Mom’s Advice for Me

My mom told me about bank card processing when I was first opening my wedding gallery and it was good advice. I wasn’t sure how to go about all the logistical elements of having a wedding dress store but I knew I needed to figure it out – I had a ton of dresses and a great place to display them but no real method for running a business.

My brides come to me now because they know they’re going to get the best care and attention on their biggest purchase – that’s what I provide. I’m also a bit cheaper than some of the girls in the area and though I think it’s great that they can sell those couture dresses I always want there to be an affordable option. I don’t understand how some people can afford to spend five thousand dollars on one dress but God bless them. You won’t find them here in my store, though, that’s not how I work! I’m all about a great dress for a great price.

Purses and Flip Flops Are In The News

A few months ago I was hearing of all the nasty germs that were found on the bottom of purses. I have been trying to keep up with keeping my purse’s bottom side a bit cleaner and not putting on the kitchen counter or dining room table. Now the big news is about how dirty our flip flops are and how they are finding all types of gross germs on them. Guess I’ll have to start paying better attention to my flip flops now, sigh………………..

fflip flops in the dishwasher
Not Sure I Like This Idea

As much as I hate germs I just don’t think I could put my flip flops in the dishwasher along with a load of dishes, that’s just wrong!

Flash Freeze

Spent so much time looking at the fresh fish counter that someone from the grocery store’s fish department actually came over and started talking to me. He asked if I was looking for anything special, and I told him I was looking for tilapia.

He pointed out the section of frozen fish that was displayed in a freezer section right next to the fresh fish counter. There a big bag of tilapia in the freezer, on sale for only $4.99 and he told me that the frozen was a better price than the fresh.

When I wrinkled up my nose at the idea of frozen instead of fresh, he explained that the fishermen catch the tilapia out on the water in big nets, and then they clean and flash freeze the fish right on board the boat. So, the frozen are actually fresher than the fresh ones that are taken back to port, cleaned on land and then put on a truck and driven for a couple of days to the stores. Isn’t that ironic? But it does make sense!

Home Schooling

More and more people are turning to home schooling their children for various reasons these days. I know several good folks that are taking their time to make sure that their kids get the right education that meets their requirements and satisfaction, it isn’t always about religion any more. I know back in my day the only people that were home schooled were being kept out of public schools for religious reasons and most people just didn’t understand that concept.

And now there is the Internet available for people to use to help home schoolers with all kinds of subjects and courses. I ran into co worker today that was busy printing out some adding fractions worksheets that she found online to give to her sister who is homeschooling her three kids. I didn’t give her any grief for using the copier, it’s to help with these kids education and who could possibly have an issue with that.


Box Tops for Education Program

It is so easy to clip the Box Tops for Education coupons that are being put on more and more food items, I even found some on the package of toilet paper that I just recently purchased. Schools are desperate for funding, and this is a really easy way to raise money for our important education systems all over.

I think schools can earn 10 cents per label and that adds up quickly with the more people that participate. If you don’t have kids attending a school you can still clip them and give them to a friend, family member, neighbor, co worker or just drop them off at your local school that is convenient for you, it’s all good, and some teachers give extra credit for each label donated, it’s all good!

image of box tops for education
You Have The Power With Box Tops For Education

Important Stem Cell News – Re Posted

I remember reading this article, can’t believe it has been six years since this was announced. I thought enough of this information to post it here on May 1, 2009 and am still excited about it and wanted to re-post it today.

Press Release:
Taking Control: Future Therapies for a Host of Serious Diseases May Be Found in Women’s Menstrual Blood July 07, 2008: 01:28 PM EST

OLDSMAR, Fla., July 7 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ – With today’s hectic lifestyle, where most women are juggling careers, family, relationships, and a host of activities, the idea of possibly facing a serious illness in the future is not something that readily comes to mind – especially when a woman is in the prime of her life. But what most women don’t know, is that the key to treating a number of possibly life-threatening diseases that she, a parent, a sibling or even her children may face in later years, such as osteoporosis, heart disease, stroke, blood clots, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, may be found within her own body – in vital stem cells, which can now be harvested from her own menstrual blood.

Now, thanks to the revolutionary research and technology of C’elle, a service dedicated to providing women with a safe and easy method of collecting and preserving stem cells found in her menstrual fluid each month, even the busiest woman can take control of her future, right in the privacy of her own home. With C’elle’s non-invasive collection process, menstrual cells are processed and cryo-preserved (stored at a very low temperature) for potential cellular therapies that may be used in the future. These self-renewing cells one day may even be used for sports medicine or cosmeceutical treatments, such as anti-aging therapies.

“C’elle enables and empowers a woman to take control of her future health, and possibly of those genetically closest to her, in a fast, painless and stress free way,” said Michelle Kay, Marketing and Sales Manager for C’elle. “We live in exciting times, as science and technology are discovering how extremely valuable menstrual blood stem cells really are, and the enormous treatment potential they represent for future therapies. C’elle’s ongoing research is supporting these promising findings.”

For more information about C’elle, please call 1-877-892-3553 or visit

One Hell of A Good Book

I love reading a variety of books. It seems that I usually have 2 or 3 going at the same time, it works out most of the time. I always keep a good novel in the bathroom. When I take my bath I kick back and get some good reading time out of the deal as well.

I just finished a novel “Up Country” by Nelson DeMille, who also wrote “The General’s Daughter” which I really need to find now. This was a great book about Vietnam Vets that anyone would and should enjoy reading at some point.

a novel
Up Country

Witches on Brooms

Tonight I checked the sky for witches on brooms. Didn’t see any and I wonder what I would have done if I had seen a witch!

Actually I am intrigued with witches and witchcraft. I know of several women who say they are good witches and they don’t really make a big deal about it around us. I say if they have any powers to help people and they don’t cause any harm, then they should be able to do whatever they want to do without being harassed or persecuted.

So, if you are a witch – have a Happy Halloween!

witchy ways
Witches and Broomsticks

Fender Jazzmaster 62

Hard to believe that there is much difference between one guitar pickguard or another, but after looking at this fender jazzmaster 62 tortoiseshell pickguard online at Guitar Center’s website I feel a bit more educated on the subject. I’m sorry but I have never gotten into playing the guitar, or any musical instrument for that matter. Making music just wasn’t in the cards for me, nor is singing or even able to carry a tune. For me it has always been about the dance. Poetry in motion has always been my motto!

fender pickguard

Fender ’62 Jazzmaster Tortoiseshell Pickguard

I am trying to be pro active and getting a bit of holiday shopping before it gets all too overwhelming for me and I start to panic. The holidays are always stressful for me, so many people to buy gifts for and so many people to try and make happy all in the name of Santa Claus!

Flash Mob

I have always enjoyed watching the Flash Mob videos that would pop up once in a while on the TV. I can’t believe that it didn’t even occur to me that I could Google “Flash Mob” and come up with plenty of these hilarous Flash Mob videos that I so enjoy seeing. I really wish that I could participate in something like this, so today I am Googling “Flash Mob” and see if I can find any that I haven’t seen all ready and see if I can find information on how to be a participant in something like that.

Wish me luck and if anyone out there knows how to get involved in a Flash Mob, please let me know. I’m having issues with getting videos from YouTube on here, it’s really starting to piss me off and I can’t seem to find anyone that can help me find out what is different now and how to fix it. I really wanted to post my favorite “Flash Mob” video on here entitled “Frozen Grand Central” it is a perfect example of so many people getting together and doing something just for the sake of messing with people’s minds! Gotta love it!!!!!