Autumn Decor

I love October. The weather is still warm during the day, but the nights start to turn cool and you can open all the windows in the house to let the fresh air come in. I love to sleep with the windows open – I feel more rested and peaceful.

Today I bought two little scarecrows from the craft shop to put out by the mailbox. I wanted to get a girl and a boy, but they only had boys. So I bought two boys and took them home and made one into a girl myself. It was easy – I added red lips, eyelashes, and bangs made from the raffia that I glued under the brim of the hat. She’s lovely!

Birthday Surprise

Well, I have to admit that today is my birthday. I am not going to do any work today at all. This is going to be a nice day spent with my kids and having some fun. We’ll eat out and spend as much time outdoors as we can – the weather is beautiful. I’d like to go for a long drive and just enjoy the day with my family.

My sister sent my a birthday card with some money. That was a nice surprise. Maybe I’ll use the money to buy dinner at Red Lobster tonight for everyone instead of the Burger King.

Starter Wife Series

I don’t know how I missed the TV show called “Starter Wife” last year. I don’t remember hearing anything about it at all. But I happened to have the TV on an odd cable channel the other day and they were having a “Starter Wife” marathon of the entire first season shown back to back. So I got to watch quite a few of the shows. It is really very funny and the main charcter, played by Debra Messing, is just so lovable. Your heart aches for her going through a divorce and trying to make a new life for herself in Hollywood. I’m going to try to catch the second season shows this year.