Making A Fashion Statement

One thing that I have been reluctant to admit is that I have trouble reading now. Everyone knows that once you hit 30 years old you are facing the inevitable need for reading glasses. The problem is that if you have been wearing eyeglasses most of your life for correction of your distance vision, the need for reading glasses means that you will need bifocals. I’m having a hard time admitting that I need eyeglasses that are bifocals. It makes me think of my dad in his later years and wearing bifocals just seems to make you old.

So my sister told me that I just to need to “get over myself” and get my eyes the help they need to be able to read. She says I look a bigger fool for not being able to read a menu at the restaurant than being so vain about bifocals. She went so far as to suggest that eyeglasses can be a fun fashion accessory. That made me think about eyeglasses – even bifocals – in a different light. What if I could buy several pairs of eyeglasses and use them as accessories? They would have to be inexpensive – as opposed to cheap – so I could have several pairs in different styles and colors.



Life Is A Challenge

Something that I have picked up the years is a few slight of the hand magic tricks, it is something that has brought me much amusement and entertainment in some pretty nerve racking moments in this life time. I have to admit that most of my audiences have been with children, but I do a pretty good job of pulling things out of various places, while “pulling the wool” over my captivated audience. My favorite item to use is one of the many challenge coins that I have collected throughout the years. Sometimes is is a challenge in itself trying to get the coin back!

So many of my friends have kids or close family members that are of childhood age and it has been a good ice breaker with many of these kids through out the years, and I’m so ever grateful for that!

I was looking on-line the other day and came across a website for magic and found myself interested in some products that they have to offer like an Invisible Deck, invisible threads, several coin tricks that I’m interested in and you can even view a demo video right on their site, showing the trick being done, that’s cool to be able to see how the trick or slight of hand is actually performed.

I’m thinking on branching out just a bit, maybe order something and practice until perfected and try them on the next unexpected soul that ends up being at my mercy some evening.

Reputable Surgeons at Realistic Prices in the U.K.

As I’ve mentioned on numerous occasions here, I have been experiencing a weight issue all my life. I have heard some great stories about some of the procedures that are now available for folks like myself and have decided to start doing a bit of research on Cosmetic Surgery. A few of my friends and co workers have had the lap band surgery that is all the rage, I don’t think that I would be a good candidate for that particular procedure, but I do think that I might possibly be a good candidate for some good old liposuction.

People are going over seas for a lot of their cosmetic surgery these days. You can get much better prices in the U.K., and I’d have no problem taking a quick trip over there myself. I have some relatives over there that have issued me an open door invitation that I could take advantage of, so I could kill two birds with one stone, so to speak. I would love to see them and be able to see where they live and take care of my weight issue once and for all. Something that I definitely want and need to look into possibly after the holiday season is over and done with.

Online Tutoring – A God Send For Many Students

It seems that my niece would never had graduated into high school last year if she hadn’t found Math help via the good old Internet! Her guidance counselor suggested that she check into this Online Tutor, since several of her classmates had discovered this Math Problem Solver. Since most of us in the family are not the best when it comes to math, we really couldn’t be much help to her. My sister was pulling hair out trying to find a Math Tutor for her that was local and in the neighborhood and had no idea that by going online would bring the much needed help that she was looking for.

My niece has a good head on her shoulders and will go far in this life. Some times we just need a helping hand some times to keep ahead of the game and sometimes that help isn’t readily available for a lot of us. We certainly could have used this type of assistance back in my day of schooling, but computers were just coming into the picture at that point. What computers were available were used by the government, big corporations and kids that wanted to play games like Pong, Pac Man and the like. What a difference a few decades have made for all us!

Sports Injuries

It amazes me how many people are disabled these days.  I see more and more people in wheel chairs, using canes and other types of devices to help them get around with, especially at the mall. I know that a good amount of people have sports injuries that they are dealing with. I have a friend who injured not just one, but both of his legs playing football in college, he is constantly on the look out for the newest types of knee supports to try. He will never be the same as I knew him in high school, but still an awesome guy with a lot to offer the world, besides playing football.

Sports are a big issue with a good majority of us and the amount of injuries done to us by playing these popular sports are mind boggling. A good web site that addresses sports injuries can be found at and deserves a look see if you have a mind to learn about injuries related to sports,  from a – z. They also have an official Premier League Injury Table List where you can see what sports player is injured and any of their previous injuries as well. Most interesting to read about!

Love Me Some Kitchenaid

Not very often do I get what I call “good mail” since the majority of mail that finds its way into my mailbox is a bill or advertisement, neither of which do I enjoy receiving and dealing with. It used to be that once in a while a card or a letter could be found waiting for me to open, those days are long gone compliments of the Internet. LOL! The days are pretty much gone that I would get dozens of Christmas cards in the mail. I think last year I received a total of 3, with the majority of my Season’s Greetings being said and done online.

But today I got a piece of “good mail” not only was it a Christmas card but it had a healthy VISA gift card included in it that just about floored me when I opened the card and saw the amount clearly written on it. My Great Aunt Pearl, bless her heart, was feeling very generous this year and it didn’t take me long to figure out what I want to do with this particular blessing. Check out this sweet looking kitchenaid artisan mixer – candy apple 90th anniversary edition with free glass bowl that I think I will order when the weekend rolls around again.

KitchenAid Artisan Mixer
KitchenAid Artisan Mixer – Candy Apple – Low Res

I plan on spending a good part of this up and coming weekend online. While I’m at it I think I’ll be keeping my eyes open for the parts for the saucepan racks that I need to get that all installed and out of the way as well as trying to find a great deal on some lion sabatier stainless steel knives to complete the set that I’ve been working on for several years now. My kitchen is always a work in progress and I’m always wanting/needing something or another, but I do spend a good amount of time in there so my kitchen is important to me.

Thanks Aunt Pearl, you’re a doll!