Hot Yoga

Guest post written by my buddy Keith Kramer

Over the past couple of months, I have picked up a new physical activity, hot yoga. I have practiced on and off for about a year, but it’s not until recently that I have consistently gone twice a week. I will admit that sometimes it’s hard to pry myself from in front of my Direct TV and go, but once I’m there, I’m so happy I did. I have tried other kinds of yoga in the past, but the problem is that since I am not naturally flexible, I don’t get as much out of it. With hot yoga, the room is heated between 95 and 100 degrees, which allows my body to bend a little better. I go to two different studios because they both offer $5 classes at various times throughout the day. One studio has more morning classes available and one has more evening and weekend. Conveniently, the studio that is closest to my house has the morning classes. It is way too expensive to actually have a monthly membership, so I’m happy that these classes are an option. I find them much better than any yoga classes that I have taken at my gym.

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