Aspiring Musicians

A very good friend of mine I grew up with, is an aspiring musician, and is brilliant when it comes to tweaking his voice to sound like absolute heaven. When I moved to this town when I about twelve years old, he was the first friend I made that lived right next door. Ever since we have been inseparable.

I even remember the first day we moved into our new home, I turned on the music in the garage and started doing cart wheels in the backyard, while he was jumping up and down on his trampoline in his backyard with a friend. Both of them were about 10 years old and had toy microphones in their hands, something I found later to be his sisters toy microphones. They were both singing and raping while jumping on that trampoline, it was too funny.

We noticed we all loved music, and we all started hanging out and playing together. I have watched him grow from that young boy into the talented man he is today. The last time I saw him was two months ago, before he moved about forty miles away to live with his girlfriend, whom is also a good friend of mine since forever ago. Before he left he invited me to a show his was performing at, and I was ecstatic to see him perform finally after all these years.

He expressed an interest in finding a microphone he could find for an affordable price, so he could practice at home before his show date. I remembered the night before coming across a site that offered just that, so I told him that there were microphones for sale as well as some sweet looking new and used mitchell guitars at M F’s, and to check their site out.

He called me a few days later and told me that not only did her order a microphone but he also ordered lehle amp that he found that he is absolutely thrilled to have now. I’m happy I could help him prepare for such a great event I can see him perform at, and see how he can change the world with his beautiful voice.

Dad, My Handy Man

At some point I will take the time and look for some new exterior shutters for the place. Each time my parents come over my father points out what a difference a pair of exterior shutters would make for the front of the house. He has even offered to look around for and with me when I’m ready to commit, so that would be cool.

My father has always been handy around the house and the yard, so any time he wants to give me a hand around the place, I’m all for it!

Red Skelton

Red Skelton–Patriot and Prophet

Red Skelton was one of the greatest comedians of his time. I used to watch his television show as a kid. He was a great entertainer, but was much more a Christian and a gentleman.

Watch this clip from one of his TV shows from 1969.  He always closed his show with something of inspiration. He was a great role model.

Hope you enjoy this, because he was a “prophet before his time”! This is one of the most touching and patriotic items I have seen in a long time. This one will touch your heart! Enjoy and remember. Help spread this important message:

Red Skelton–from his television show in 1969 WOW! Just think, he said this on his television show in 1969 and really had no clue it would ever come about. SAD, isn’t it? What a wonderful and worthwhile clip to watch and share with all your friends and acquaintances!


TGIF, what is there left to say. It’s been a long week and I’m looking forward to the week end, although I’ll be spending a good amount of it outside trying to take care of the yard. It is beginning to grow like crazy and I need to keep it from getting out of control to where I will most likely just throw my hands up in the air and be done with it all. That would suck considering how much time and energy I put into the planting, weeding, clearing, feeding, raking and of course the watering that I have done all on my own this year.

yard work
Lawn Care

Dirty Water

I can’t stand the way that my water looks, smells and tastes. After I take my daily bath and let the water run out and drain there is a lot of black grainy junk left in the tub. Looks like I’m going to need to contact a water service company. I’ve been needing to find a replacement for my Water Heater Indianapolis, that might help with some of the problems as well.

Funny how sometimes when I think of dirty water, the song Dirty Water, by The Standells, starts playing in my head. I think this song was a hit in the mid 1960s. My mother is always listening to the Oldies radio station (it plays music from the 50′ and the 60’s,) so I have been exposed to a lot of different types of music throughout the years.

My father was totally into Country Music, I was never a big fan of it but always enjoyed being around my Dad so I kinda got used to it but it’s not real high up on my list of favorite music.

Personally I like a lot of the music from the 1970’s, 80’s and 90’s. I was that I had been around when Disco dancing was all the rage. I know a lot of people hate on Disco, but to me it always provides me with a good consistent beat!

The Allure of The Treasurer Chests

I have decided that I would like to redo my master bedroom. It really isn’t what I had in mind when I moved out on my own when I got divorced years back. I love the look of wood, always have. I have to have my home in earth toned colors and you can’t get much earthy than good old fashioned wood.

My mother has the nicest storage chests that where handed down to her and one day will come to me, so I need to take that into consideration when planning my bedroom decor. These are the most marvelous cedar chests that I’ve ever laid my eyes on. My great grandfather made them way back and have always been handled with love and care where ever they have landed through out the years.

There is something about the look of wooden chests, maybe it’s the pirate in me that attracts them to be, never really thought of that before! I could certainly use one of their nice and bountiful treasure chests right about now since I’ve been spending a bit of time online looking at some new ideas for the make up and I’ve seen the prices, ouch…………….

All Of Our Remote Controls

I just saw a commercial advertising The Clapper, I have not seen a commercial for this item in so long that I thought that they were no longer available. Not only are still available but they have come out with The Clapper Plus, which gives you a remote control!

As much fun as been poked at this popular invention, I have to tell you that I wouldn’t mind owning one, it would be so much easier than flicking the switch in my bedroom and I wouldn’t have to get up or walk in the darkness at times.

We have all become so used to having things done for us and as quickly as possible “thank you very much” Some people actually have a box that has all of the remote control equipment that is needed for all of their electronics that we have become so accustomed to. I am so glad that I only have a few and know how to actually use them.

Spring Cleaning Time Again. . .

I mean really how hard can it be to get on your computer and go to the Google search and type in “cost of professional carpet cleaning austintexas” or “discount carpet cleaning services austin texas” or something of that nature in order for my aging aunt to get her carpets  thoroughly cleaned.  That way one of us doesn’t have to make the long drive to her place and use her very old and broken down do it yourself carpet cleaner that she has had for years, and should have thrown out ages ago in an effort to help her with her spring cleaning that she goes all out for each and every spring.

It didn’t use to be that big of a deal when more of us still lived locally or at least in the same state. But as most families have, folks have been moving further and further away as time goes by. But now that it is just a small handful and life is keeping everyone busy as bees trying to work as many jobs as they can find in these tough economic times that we have found ourselves in the middle of for way too long now.

So now we are trying to get my aunt to start using her computer more. For the most part she just uses it for emails and sending photos to friends and family. She knows her way around the keyboard and can type a million words a minute but as far as using it for researching anything or anyone is still something that she needs work and help with. Which is another task that one of needs to take by the horns with her as well, God Bless her.

Going Green, It’s Every Where

I find it interesting that going green has become such a big issue. Don’t get me wrong, I think it is great and I try my best to do right by our Mother Earth when possible. I have always been into recycling and have turned a good amount of people onto recycling through out the years. So I am happy to see such a big push these past few years.

I was browsing online earlier today and found an interesting site that rates and reviews website hosting companies. After a few clicks I cam upon the 10 top rated Green Web Hosting companies, which really tickled me. I didn’t know that there was such a thing and was fascinated to see that these companies are doing what they can in becoming a respectable green web host.

If we all take the time to do what it takes to become greener in our every day lives, we just might have a chance in surviving a few more decades, at least I hope so!

Help For Our Elderly Relatives

Each year my brothers and sisters put our heads together to try and find a way to help out our Aunt Jenny and Uncle Dave, who are both now in their 80’s and they both have several health issues to deal with while living on small monthly fixed income. We used to just send them food and/or gift cards for Christmas, but as the years pass we feel the need to do more than that when we all can afford and can agree on something.

You see Aunt Jenny and Uncle Dave are two of the sweetest people that you would ever have the chance to meet and to get to know. Thank goodness they have been active in their church, so they do receive some assistance from the church from time to time, but we all know how humble they are and how bad it makes them feel to receive any help from anyone. There is a special place in heaven for these too special, well seasoned relatives, but we are in no hurry to see them go.

I came up with an idea that I shared with my siblings lately. I took the time to look at various Home Cleaning Companies in Fort Lauderdale and I think I found the perfect one that we can afford to pay for to come out and help Aunt Jenny with all of their house cleaning needs. In the mean time I would like to find a company that will come out and help Uncle Dave with some of the chores that are always needed outside of the house and the yard. Just the thought of him trying climb and balance on a ladder to check and clean the gutters leaves a very bitter taste in my mouth. And of course there are tons of other outside chores that he just isn’t capable of doing anymore either. Maybe I can get my younger brother to help out in finding a good and affordable company to come out before the cold weather hits us.