Going Green, It’s Every Where

I find it interesting that going green has become such a big issue. Don’t get me wrong, I think it is great and I try my best to do right by our Mother Earth when possible. I have always been into recycling and have turned a good amount of people onto recycling through out the years. So I am happy to see such a big push these past few years.

I was browsing online earlier today and found an interesting site that rates and reviews website hosting companies. After a few clicks I cam upon the 10 top rated Green Web Hosting companies, which really tickled me. I didn’t know that there was such a thing and was fascinated to see that these companies are doing what they can in becoming a respectable green web host.

If we all take the time to do what it takes to become greener in our every day lives, we just might have a chance in surviving a few more decades, at least I hope so!

Entertaining The Customers

I see that more businesses are getting smart and hooking up with a DIRECT TV Business Account and having a nice television installed for their customers entertainment needs. I think that Commercial Satellite TV is a really good idea, I know that I get tired of looking through the numerous old and torn up magazines that are the norm in most waiting areas such as the doctor’s office, banks, car repair shops and the like. Sometimes you can be stuck there for a good amount of time and having a Business Satellite TV makes the wait a lot more tolerable.

The only problem that I can see is if there is a disagreement with the other people waiting and watching on which channel the TV should be set on and that a lot of businesses are keeping the remote control behind the counter in order to keep from losing it to some one’s sticky fingers. I know one time a was waiting for my car to be inspected and the TV was on a channel that had golf playing on it. Ugh, how I hate watching a golf game on TV, boring…………but then I guess you just can’t please everyone!

Put Your Address Book Away

Gone are the days that we all carried a phone and address book in order to keep all of our important phone and addresses for folks that we might need to be in contact with. The customized business card is the way to go these days, if you don’t have a business card you are seriously out dated. Even house mothers/makers are known to have a business card to give other parents in order to fix play dates with their youngsters. Isn’t that something?

I like having a business card in order to drop in to the glass containers that you find on the counters at many businesses (mainly) fast food restaurants or service centers. They advertise that they hold weekly drawings and the winner gets a free meal or a free service of some sort. The only place that I will not drop my card in is in a container for a free vacation or for a gym. They just want your information in order to be placed on a mailing list and then you will be bombarded with junk mail for ever and a day.

Customized business cards are becoming more affordable and don’t take as long to make and receive and are all the rage in today’s society.

The Emergence of Green Web Hosting

I am all about going and being as “green” as possible these days. It isn’t really difficult considering that I was raised by parents that were tuned in to saving valuable energy and totally into recycling since they were young. They were from the hippie days and they taught me a lot during my childhood in order for me to continue their efforts and ways of life that they and I are so proud of.

I’m happy to have found that there are many opportunities out there for us to help us all go “green“, including ways to get the  best web hosting sites that are supporting the “green” movement. At Web Hosting Geeks.com they have provided us with the top 8 web hosting companies that are Eco-friendly. These sites are using alternative and/or renewable energy, they are planting trees, recycling waste and purchase RECs in order to power their data centers and I think that this is simply awesome! I would anyone to check this list out at web hosting geeks dot com and find a green web hosting that would work for them to help contribute to this important movement.

For more information you can check out their blog as well that has several posts concerning Green Web Hosting, it’s all good!

AMS Fulfillment

The Internet has become such a valuable tool to learn just about everything about anything. Kids these days have it made when it comes to doing research for school homework and all the assignments that they are told to do. Back when I was a kid we had to rely on the old set of encyclopedias that are parents had on the bookshelf in the living room. And of course we spent many evenings and weekends at the local library that was always full of other students doing the exact same thing. I can’t even imagine how it would have been if we had the World Wide Web back then.

Today I was looking at an interesting website at http://www.amsfulfillment.com. AMS, so I learned, is one of the leading third party fulfillment service company that has a lot to offer today’s fast past companies that need a reliable product fulfillment service. They are located in the southern part of California, which is a very busy and rapidly growing part of the country that can totally provide services like this for businesses all over the country.

I wonder what company I will found out about tomorrow online! I can’t wait to go back to college and learn so many things that I didn’t take the time to learn back in the day when I was just interested in boys and how to get out of going to class to go have fun with all of my friends.

ShopWiki A Unique Comparison Engine

I am not one of the crazy people that venture out on Black Friday, as many of my friends, co workers and family members are known for doing. I tried it once about 10 years ago and I swore that I’d never do that again. And that was before the headlines were always full of horror stories of fights and stampedes that have taken place in recent years due to ever growing amount of people that are attending these fiasco’s now a days.

I see no reason to deal with such nonsense when I can easily get what ever I need at home on my computer. With so many buying guides to help shoppers and so many shopping comparison engines available to everyone all across the globe it is so easy to find what you need using the good old Internet. ShopWiki is expanding their services into Europe and I find it interesting at times to check out what is available in other countries such as the Netherlands, Spain, Germany and France. But my favorites are the ones that are English speaking such as the UK and Australia, a much easier read, not having to use one of the many Google translating services, which are pretty cool and do come in handy from time to time.


Affordable Fender Amps Verified

It’s always gratifying to see that you made a good decision on some of the items/gifts that you have managed to purchase just a few months ago. Like the fender amps that I took such a good amount of time researching all kinds of the various affordable fender amps out there and basically crossing my fingers that I had made a good choice. I didn’t buy the cheapest nor did I dish out the cash for the most expensive top-of-the-line one either. In the long run, you do get what you pay for, more often time than not. So I try to go somewhere in the middle if at all possible

So while waiting for dinner to finish up last night I was do just a bit of looking around and saw that the price that I paid for the fender amps back in late October were indeed a good deal. Which surprises me considering how right now is a good time to get deals with all the summer sales that are still going strong and of course the 4th of July is right around the corner which is a good time for them to get rid as much as last years items as they can. A crazy time for the good folks in retail.

Jerky Dog Treats

Every once in a while a product that’s been on the shelves for a long time but never got your attention before will suddenly grab your attention and end up in your shopping cart. Sometimes it is placement on the store shelves that moves and you realize you are out of your routine. Sometimes it is new packaging, such as brighter colors on the box design or change from a box to a resealable bag. Sometimes it must be a mental response to a commercial or even subliminal advertising. Well, whatever the reason, today I noticed a bag of chicken jerky in the aisle for dog treats. It seemed to be a good sized bag with multiple treats inside, so I decided on a lark to buy a bag and see if my dog likes them. We haven’t broken into the bag yet but I’ll let you know if they are a hit or a miss.

chicken jerky treats for dogs
One pound of chicken jerky dog treats

Business Card Printing For Everyone

It is so cute to see how my kid sister is handing out her newly designed and printed business cards to anyone that will take one. You see, she is a stay-at-home mom that was blessed with a set of twin boys, Terry and Jerry. She used to be a working woman and is having a hard time adjusting to the transition of becoming mother.

Just about every day that it isn’t raining or snowing, sis takes the boys to the park where there are a lot of other moms and dads networking amongst themselves while watching their kid(s) on the playground day after day. It seems that the business card printing industry is a big deal for these dedicated parents to hand out with all of their contact information to the other adults that they run into during their day.


Modes of Transportation Up For Sale

The amount of various modes of transportation sitting by the side of the road with For Sale signs placed upon them, are growing as the economy is still in such turmoil. At first is was mainly cars, then the boats and motorcycles started showing up here and there. Living out in the country as I do we are seeing more and more pieces of equipment used for transportation up for sale.

On my way home from work the other day I saw a boom lift sale, it didn’t have a price on it so I have no idea what kind of money they are asking. It has become the norm to see tractors and other used material lifts up for sale around here. But I swear there are more and more of them each and every day. I hate to see our local farmers struggling and having to sell their important pieces of farm equipment. This has been a miserable winter, let’s hope that the spring will be better for all of us.