New Best Place

With the economy being as it is today, eating out has become more of a luxury for our family dining. Although the kids like to patronize the fast food places, my husband and I prefer to go somewhere a little more interesting. On this occasion we decided to check out a new restaurant that had just opened and after battling with the kids over where to go, we set the security alarm  and headed out. When we arrived at the new Red Elephant, we were very surprised with what we saw, as were the kids. Inside the decor was a wonderful mix of hand painted murals, featuring all sorts of wild animals.

The kids were totally in awe and had to take time to search them all out. They even wandered into the arcade, which to them, was the greatest thing on earth. The menu had everything an adult might want to eat, as well as pizza and burgers for the younger set. Large screen tv’s were in every corner, so grown-ups could watch the news, as well as sporting events. The evening was a huge success and I think the kids may have, at least for the time being, forgotten about that famous fast food place. Must say that the elephant ears on the menu were the icing on the cake.

pizza and games
Help Wanted at the Red Elephant Restaurant

Dinner Theater

I am going to take my 11 year old niec to the Dinner Theater in a few weeks. She given tickets to it for her birthday and she decided that she wanted me to take her to it instead of her mom. They have “The Pirates of Penzance Junior” which we should both enjoy and I look forward to going with her!

Digging The Deals At Musician Friend

Paying under $300 for a decent Fender guitar is a good deal, if you ask me. Since no one is asking me I took it upon myself to look at what the musician friend website has to offer their shoppers these days. Check out this cutie! I just might be buying myself a Christmas present this year after all!


Black is Back

Fender CD60CE Cutaway Dreadnought Acoustic-Electric Guitar Black

Fender Jazzmaster 62

Hard to believe that there is much difference between one guitar pickguard or another, but after looking at this fender jazzmaster 62 tortoiseshell pickguard online at Guitar Center’s website I feel a bit more educated on the subject. I’m sorry but I have never gotten into playing the guitar, or any musical instrument for that matter. Making music just wasn’t in the cards for me, nor is singing or even able to carry a tune. For me it has always been about the dance. Poetry in motion has always been my motto!

fender pickguard

Fender ’62 Jazzmaster Tortoiseshell Pickguard

I am trying to be pro active and getting a bit of holiday shopping before it gets all too overwhelming for me and I start to panic. The holidays are always stressful for me, so many people to buy gifts for and so many people to try and make happy all in the name of Santa Claus!

Flash Mob

I have always enjoyed watching the Flash Mob videos that would pop up once in a while on the TV. I can’t believe that it didn’t even occur to me that I could Google “Flash Mob” and come up with plenty of these hilarous Flash Mob videos that I so enjoy seeing. I really wish that I could participate in something like this, so today I am Googling “Flash Mob” and see if I can find any that I haven’t seen all ready and see if I can find information on how to be a participant in something like that.

Wish me luck and if anyone out there knows how to get involved in a Flash Mob, please let me know. I’m having issues with getting videos from YouTube on here, it’s really starting to piss me off and I can’t seem to find anyone that can help me find out what is different now and how to fix it. I really wanted to post my favorite “Flash Mob” video on here entitled “Frozen Grand Central” it is a perfect example of so many people getting together and doing something just for the sake of messing with people’s minds! Gotta love it!!!!!

Low Rider

I loved this song even before George Lopez made it even more popular. It’s a get down and boggie song that always gets me going. This video even has some nice looking low riders to gaze at while giving it a listen to. Enjoy with me!

Wood Vionlins Wood Wah

Call me old fashioned, but I swear I didn’t know there was such a thing as electric violin, much less all the exciting wood-violins effects that I was checking out online earlier today to use as a birthday gift for a party that is coming up soon. So many new things that I keep discovering, makes me wonder what rock I have been hiding under. Good Grief!

Wood Wah for Violins
Wood Violins Wood Wah

A Way Cool Cup Holder Idea

Having a cup holder that will attach to a microphone stand is a great idea. I have always wondered how singers and musicians keep something, to quench their thirst during a performance, without it spilling some how. A spill could mean damage to most musical instruments, some thing that could put an instrument out of commission for a good while, leaving the owner to either wait it out or buy a new one. Either way, money would be lost.

a cup holder for a microphone

Musician’s Gear Microphone Stand Cup Holder Black Universal Clamp

One Fine Looking Piece of Technology

Now you can’t even tell me that this isn’t one fine looking electric guitar! I have to admit, if I ever decided to buy and learn the guitar I would really love playing one that looks like this! The Godin 5th Avenue Kingpin that I stumbled onto today online. This baby has got the true vintage spirit of yesteryear, while having the goods that today’s technically provides folks in the music industry.

Sweet Looking Guitar

Godin 5th Avenue Kingpin Archtop Hollowbody


Affordable Fender Amps Verified

It’s always gratifying to see that you made a good decision on some of the items/gifts that you have managed to purchase just a few months ago. Like the fender amps that I took such a good amount of time researching all kinds of the various affordable fender amps out there and basically crossing my fingers that I had made a good choice. I didn’t buy the cheapest nor did I dish out the cash for the most expensive top-of-the-line one either. In the long run, you do get what you pay for, more often time than not. So I try to go somewhere in the middle if at all possible

So while waiting for dinner to finish up last night I was do just a bit of looking around and saw that the price that I paid for the fender amps back in late October were indeed a good deal. Which surprises me considering how right now is a good time to get deals with all the summer sales that are still going strong and of course the 4th of July is right around the corner which is a good time for them to get rid as much as last years items as they can. A crazy time for the good folks in retail.