Sweets as a Substitute for Nicotine

I would really like to quit smoking. A friend of mine suggested eating Jelly Beans when I finally make the decision to put them down once and for all. After all President Ronald Reagan used them successfully when he quit smoking back in the 1960’s and made the Jelly Bean industry a pretty penny with a major come back due to the publicity of it all.

Jelly Beans, from that time on on were not just for Easter any more. Starburst Jelly Beans are and have always been my favorite and if I could find an online Wholesale Candy company that I could buy some in bulk, in anticipation of the “quitting date” I would be willing to place an order for a decent price. Something to put on my ever growing, never ending, to do list.

If I find myself having a craving for chocolate I can always count on a Clark Bar satisfying the immediate desires. Clark Bars haven’t changed a bit all these years, along with the Snickers Bar they both have always been on top of my list. Some things thankfully never change.

I’ve been smoking for over 20 years, I’m sure that if I quit I’d feel much better all the way around, mentally and health wise as well. I know I’d save a good amount of money that could be put to much better use.

I love chocolate

Funny how our taste buds change as we grow older, as a kid I wasn’t all that crazy about chocolate. I loved candy as much as the next kid, just not so much the chocolate variety of candy. Halloween was always my favorite Holiday, besides Christmas of course, man we would come home with bags overflowing with all kinds of candies to keep us happy for months well after that wonderful night of trick or treating through out the entire whole neighborhood with my siblings and friends.

But now I love chocolate, not the dark kind, but milk chocolate, lately I can’t seem to get enough of it. I hear that chocolate is now on the list of healthy things to eat, so that makes me feel better and I’m glad that I haven’t put on any extra weight due to my latest cravings of these tasty morsels of these creamy delight called chocolate!

If a man wants to put a smile on my face, a box of chocolates is a great way to start! Valentines Day is now my favorite holiday to receive my fare share of chocolates & candies. Oh yeah, there is always Easter, and it’s only a few weeks away!


Finding The Perfect Boss Guitar Pedals

There was no way that I would have thought it to be such a challenge to find the right boss guitar pedal to give to my kid brother for his 19th birthday, which will eventually come this May 17th. I have  been looking online a bit here and there and I just felt that it was all over my head. I know that he really wants a boss guitar pedal, a tc electronic flashback delay toneprint  but there are just too many of them out there for me to choose from, so I am going to play it safe and give him a gift card for $100 and tell him to find the right one and put that money towards purchasing the correct one that he wants.

There is going to be a good sized birthday celebration dinner at our folk’s place. Not sure how many are expected to show up. But then we never know until it happens with this very large family that is know for last minutes circumstances. It’s such a drag that so many of us have moved so far away and we don’t get together much these past several years. So we will see who turns up to help celebrate Steve’s 19th birthday. This will be that last birthday that entitles him to be called and/or referred to as a teenager! It’s a pot luck dinner so I think that I’ll bring my well received meatballs to share this time around. I haven’t made them in a while and they are always a big hit.

Games For Girls

It wasn’t too awfully long ago that one would have a hard time finding games that targeted the girls that spend a good amount of time playing games online. But there has been a big push to get more games out there and I’m glad to see that it is working.

My 12 year old daughter enjoys all types of games, but there are times that she really wants to enjoy being a young girl, and doing girlie things, so I’m glad that she found a site that is all about  Girl Games at Easygirlgames.com.  She tells me that they are pretty easy, fun and that they have a wide range of games for girls spend their free time checking out. She is getting too old for toys, but still a bit young for boys and still spends most of her time at home, rather than running the roads or hanging at the mall with her friends. So gaming is a good way for her to spend some of her free time.

The Tootsie Roll

My all time favorite candy is the Tootsie Roll. I always buy Tootsie Roll’s to hand out for the Halloween trick or treaters and what ever is left over I get to enjoy. My second choice would have to be the Butter Finger candy bar, I like my chocolate!

my favoriet all time cany
Tootsie Roll Man

Sound Great On Or Off Stage

It really thrills me to hear from my youngest nephew Todd that the amplifier for the acoustic guitar is totally appreciated. And that it is being used, along with the beyerdynamic headphone set, so I am told, almost on a daily basis as well as providing a sound great on stage when they manage to actually land a gig.  I managed to get a few of my sisters and brothers, his aunts and uncles, to contribute enough of their hard earned cash together to get him a good quality amp that I found online for a real sweet deal. It arrived in plenty of time and we didn’t have to pay any shipping or handling, so that was a major plus that helped me convince some of these relatives that aren’t known for wanting to spend any money on anyone other than their selves.

It’s pretty cool that over the past couple of years I have been doing more and more of my shopping online. Last Christmas holiday, I didn’t have to go to the local mall or any of the other numerous brick and mortar stores in the area. The only things that I had to go out and purchase were the food and of course the gas that it took to get there and back. There are places that will and do deliver food products but they come with a price. It’s hard to get anything for free around this part of the country, except for online purchases.

Turkey Day – a yearly hassle

Even though I have been divorced for some time now, the kids and I are still having to deal with the decision of which grandparents we going to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas with. The kids adore my ex’s folks and I get along fairly well with them also, which makes for the holiday season a stressful situation even though my ex is well out of the picture and doesn’t attend any family functions in an effort to avoid any hassles that may arise during these celebration events.

It really sucks that each and every year we end up playing this game of who will win out with our attendance, and their is no way to please everyone, no matter what. It would be so much easier if they all lived a bit closer to each other, that way we could try and make both dinners, but a 4 hour drive between the two is just too much to deal with.

Time is running out, Thanksgiving is next week, a decision needs to be made soon, what to do, oh what to do!

Web Hostings

I was doing some looking around online this afternoon at work. Most of us had a few minutes to spare before heading out into the rush hour traffic so it’s time like this that we take advantage of having Internet access at our desks. The topic of conversation lately has been web hosting. I had no idea that there were so many web hosting companies offering so many varieties of options. One of the girls at work discovered that there are several webhosting sites that are going green, which we all thought was pretty cool, so we checked them out real quick like.

There is a great web site that has ratings and reviews of various webhostings at webhostingrating dot com. It really has a lot of good information that we have all enjoyed and learned from. When we get our teeth into something we really chew on it for a good long while until we spit it out to be done with it and we have just about worn this subject out at this point. But I am going to look at a few more options and I want to read some more of the reviews and then we can move on to another subject for next week. Lord knows what that will be!


Funny how the older we get how we get more particular in various things. Right now my issue is with milk. I have been buying and drinking the 2% variety for the past couple of years, it took me a while to get used to the taste but I did it.

The problem is that some stores that I buy it from tastes like it has gone bad and the whole carton gets poured down the drain, along with the three dollars and change that it cost me, which really irks me, big time. It is only certain stores that I’m finding this problem with like Walmart, Rite Aid and Safeway. It really sucks that I have to be careful where I buy my milk for goodness sake.

it's all about the milk
Got Milk?

The Nopal Cactus

It is amazing to notice that the older I get, everyone gets older as well. I know that sounds silly but with age seems to come so many health issues and unfortunate deaths from so many people in my life. At work we seem to always be discussing and researching so many medical issues that keep popping up in our immediate and not so immediate families and circle of friends. And with all of these medical issues always landing in our laps we are constantly trying to figure out and understand what types of medicine and therapy can help.

Right now we seem to be hearing a lot about a product called Nopalea which is supposed to help reduce inflammation which is a main concern with so many health related issues. One of my co workers found that by calling 1-800-203-7063 you can receive a free sample of this natural health product that is becoming so popular today which is derived from a cactus. Pretty cool huh?

Since my father suffers from aches and pains in several of his joints that keep him from doing a lot of things that he used to enjoy doing, I’m going to go ahead a call and have a sample of these wellness drink sent to him and see if it helps him some. It’s the least I can do for the man that has always done so much for me all my life.