My Mother’s Buying List

I have always wanted a nice set of Hartmann Luggage or the ever popular Vera Bradley Luggage that looks so good on the luggage carousel at the airports at the end of the trip. Or at least if you are lucky enough to have your luggage arrive along with your arrival. I’ve never had my luggage lost before but I’ve heard some horror stories from folks that have had to deal with all the hassles and inconvenience of an airline losing your precious belongings that were being stored in your Luggage.

As I stated before I’ve always wanted to own a nice set of luggage and my mother is trying to make that happen for me for my birthday that is fast approaching this winter. My mother is expecting a nice sized tax refund from Uncle Sam next year and wants to purchase a few things that she has had her heart on for the past year. I’m just lucky enough to be on her buying list this year!

Of course I’m sure that if she finds herself in need of some nice luggage she can always count on being able to borrow mine any time she needs it. That is a plus!

Anyone remember this commercial. It took less than 3 minutes to find it on YouTube! It still makes me laugh even after all these years of not seeing it at all.