Dollars and Sense

My brother-in-law is currently dabbling here and there with Stock Trading.  At dinner last night at my parent’s house the conversation was mainly concerning Online Trading, Mobile Trading and IRA Accounts. I have to tell you that most of it was way over my head. I’m surprised to find that I really don’t know all that much about the Stock Market and all of this economic business, so I’m happy to be learning about all this Online Broker business through him, he is a good guy with a good head on his shoulders.

My sister and he have been married since high school, over 20 years now and they have managed to do quite well for themselves even with the economy in such turmoil as it has been the past few years. So I’m inclined to trust him to a certain extent and am thinking about entrusting him with some of my savings to see if he can make me some much needed money. My parents are contemplating the same thing, so I hope it all goes well. If things go sour there would be much hell to pay and I’d hate to see anything come between family members and their money.