Dollars and Sense

My brother-in-law is currently dabbling here and there with Stock Trading.  At dinner last night at my parent’s house the conversation was mainly concerning Online Trading, Mobile Trading and IRA Accounts. I have to tell you that most of it was way over my head. I’m surprised to find that I really don’t know all that much about the Stock Market and all of this economic business, so I’m happy to be learning about all this Online Broker business through him, he is a good guy with a good head on his shoulders.

My sister and he have been married since high school, over 20 years now and they have managed to do quite well for themselves even with the economy in such turmoil as it has been the past few years. So I’m inclined to trust him to a certain extent and am thinking about entrusting him with some of my savings to see if he can make me some much needed money. My parents are contemplating the same thing, so I hope it all goes well. If things go sour there would be much hell to pay and I’d hate to see anything come between family members and their money.

Searching for Chocolate

My sister belongs to the local Red Hatter’s club, so I’ve been helping her to find a cool restaurant to hold their March gathering. They are a great group of ladies, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting most of them at various functions that I’ve attended with my sister. One day I’ll be joining the club, but you have to be 50 years old and I have a ways to go yet, but it will come soon enough, I’m sure.

Anyways, it is cool that we no longer have to rely on the old fashioned paper version of the local yellowpages to find local restaurants and such and that we can turn to the Internet to find just about anything you need at any time. Whether it is a local search or trying to find something half way across the world, it’s all there for the taking for anyone looking.

We did come up with a place called The Frenchman’s Corner, that sounds interesting, you can drink your coffee or tea and  taste their Belgian chocolates on a what is promised to be a journey of gastronomic sweet delights. Going with a group of friends to a place like that is perfect. If and when they decide to go there I’ll tag along, sounds like fun and I love chocolate!


Weird how some things get passed down through the generations and some things don’t. I come from a family that is over flowing with musical talent of some type. There are singers and dancers galore, as well as many types of musical instrument being playing played all year through, while I can’t do any of the above. If I start to sing, people start leaving as soon as possible. I had piano lessons while I was a kid. The lady next door was my teacher, she was a great piano playing and a a good friend to my mother. But no mater how hard and long as I practiced I just never got the hang up if and I insisted that I don’t want any more lessons, ever.

One major trait that I did inherit is hair and lots of it. Hair everywhere in the usual places and more. I remember riding the bus in elementary school and the kids started calling me gorilla arms. I can’t tell you how embarrassing that was. I took it as long as I could but then I just plain had enough of it and came home, found my mothers razor and shaved both of my arms and have continued doing that for the rest of my life. Up until now that is.

There are so many products out there to help with people that have extreme hair issues and I’m ready to start looking at them. I’m tired of shaving my arms every day. It’s bad enough to have to shave my legs and arm pits almost every day. So I have been looking into purchasing an epilator to do the job. For the past week or so I have been looking online and have found a great site that gives us epilator reviews and guides that has been very helpful. If I am going to dive in and give one of these epilators a try I want to make sure that I am buying the right one and paying the right price for it as well.

interesting epilator
Emjoi AP-18 Emagine 72 Tweezer Head Epilator

This particular one is listed as an Emjoi AP-18 Emagine 72 Tweezer Head Epilator. It isn’t cheap but I think it just might be the right one for me. I think I will go ahead and order one. I’ll keep you posted on how it works out for me.


College Grants and Scholarships

My sister’s youngest son is heading on for college soon and her life is jammed full of researching colleges on the Internet and the endless filling out of forms.  She was telling me of a web site that provides free access to an extensive list of grants & college scholarship opportunities that she uses.  Our teenager and I will be confronted with the same challenges soon, that is if she makes it out of High School and believe me sometimes I really wonder.

She isn’t still 100% sure of what she wants to do with her life and I am sure there are numerous kids out there that are in the same boat.  It seems the majority of them want to become famous celebrities with lots of spending money.  So we aren’t even sure what classes to check out and it sounds like the classes for becoming a rich Super Star are going to fill up quickly.  And of course money is a huge factor so we are definitely interested in college financial aid to help ease the strain on our already strained bank account.

Big sis really has been urging  me to start checking out the processes soon and she informed me about a website that she has been using a lot that has their college scholarships and grants database updated constantly and is user friendly, which is what I need.

I never went to college so this is a whole new ballgame to me.  I’m glad that my sister is dealing with it now so that she can assist us when the time comes.  Both my sisters excel at researching on the Web and I learn so much from them, as I always have in this crazy life of mine.  I’m so grateful for both of my sisters, I don’t know what I would do without either one of them and most of my brothers are pretty awesome also!

nice teen