Checking Out The Wind Instruments

Things with my daughter at school have been crazy due to after school activities, sports, or her friends events. When she isn’t busy doing any of those things, she is sitting in her room watching TV. Which is something Id rather her not waste her time doing so I had recently signed her up at school to play an instrument with one of her very close friends in hopes that it would keep her busy enough to keep her away from the TV, and to also get her to learn and appreciate music in a whole new light.

They class requires the student to purchase their own instrument that they are interested in learning how to pay. I had a night all to myself while she was over at a friends house for the night, so I took advantage of it to search around for any wind instruments I think she would enjoy playing. I found a neat site that offers just that in no time. I ordered it immediately due to its unbelievable price, and when I had showed up my daughter had gotten home just an hour after and she was so excited to try it out before she went to class to show it to her teacher.

She sounded like a natural, and ever since she has learned how to play a few select songs for school, she has been on it non stop. I couldn’t be any happier to finally have found something she can enjoy and use her time to learn the beauty of music she can make.