Virtual Yard Sales

The last time I held a yard sale I swore that I would never, ever do that again and by golly I meant it. There is so much time and work involved in pulling off a good prosperous yard sale, garage sale, lawn sale, moving sale, or what ever you want to call the reselling of your unwanted personal items to the general public.

Just collecting the stuff, cleaning and fixing what needs to be done in order to get $ for it and then having to figure out what price to charge and put a price tag on each and every piece of merchandise is enough to through me over the edge. You have to be careful on what type of price tag to use and where to put it in order to not damage the item and reduce the value just because the placement of the right type of price tag wasn’t thought out. I know I am a bit OCD when it comes to things like that but we all have our quirks right?

Dealing with the public is another issue. The early birds that come to get the best deal are a real pain in the neck. All you want to do is get your stuff out there and set up and you have these people digging around and asking you questions! And then there is the clean up and figuring out where to put all the stuff you didn’t sell, ugh.

It’s no wonder more people are turning to the Internet for deals at various virtual yard sales and other websites other than eBay and Craigslist.