Promotions for Online Shoppers

I was telling my sister how fed up I have become with the way that my laptop has been acting. It has seen better days and I’m just not willing to sink any more money into at this point. A newer one would be so nice but I’m leery of spending any amount of money these days with the economy in the toilet the way it is these days.  I’m worried about my cash flow. She suggested that I take a look around online and see what deals can be found.

One of her favorite sites that she uses any time she considers purchasing anything online is, they have a large variety of coupon codes, free shipping offers, special promotions galore for today’s online shoppers. So I took her up on her suggestion and have found several great deals on computers that I am considering right now.

They have listed several Dell discount coupons and Newegg promo codes that sound very tempting. I’m surprised at the numerous merchants like Best Buy and Office Depot to name a few that are advertising and providing links for some serious savings. I hate going shopping, out in the real world, so finding deals for online shoppers is perfect for someone like me and a great way to go.

Good Bye to The Yellow Pages

With car and home insurance being a must these days (and rightfully so) it only makes sense to find and to get the best bang for your buck. The Internet has made shopping around for prices so much easier, the days are gone that you had to call around from one agent to another in order to receive quotes from various companies. The good old Yellow Pages is becoming a thing of the past, online is the way to go for the majority of people these days.

I’ve been wanting to find some good quality but Cheap Van Insurance for my van. I need to try and tighten my purse strings a bit and have been utilizing the Internet to find the best deal possible. I want a low deductible, low premiums, but great customer service as well. My parents used to always say that you get what you pay for, and I have found that to be very true. So I’m asking around with some friends and family members as well to find out what they have to say about their insurance agents and companies. Hopefully I’ll be able to find something out in a few weeks, so that I can go ahead and make the switch before Christmas comes around and I find myself in a cash crunch.

Carpet Cleaning and More

My house was an absolute mess, a complete disaster last spring. I couldn’t take it anymore after my daughters friend came to stay with us for a weekend, and had made a comment to my daughter about how much of a wreck our house looked. It hit me that it was time to give my home a deep cleaning. So I scurried around a few local store for cleaning products to use around the house, took them home and started my cleaning spree.

My daughter even pitched in, and we had gotten a ton done. It just didn’t seem to be enough, the air in our home smelt a bit musty and the carpets still had stains on them from spills and accidents from years prior. I spent a night to myself in the house one night, while my daughter went to stay with a friend, and did some searching n the net for any good deals I could come by to have my carpet cleaned, deep cleaned. I came across a site that offers carpet cleaning for a great price that I couldn’t say no to.

When the carpet was done, I invited old friends and relatives over to enjoy a nice afternoon gathering n our newly felt home. We got so many compliments about how nice our home looked and smelled. I owe to carpet cleaning holly springs nc, I couldn’t have done a better job myself, they really made the difference.

Checking Out The Wind Instruments

Things with my daughter at school have been crazy due to after school activities, sports, or her friends events. When she isn’t busy doing any of those things, she is sitting in her room watching TV. Which is something Id rather her not waste her time doing so I had recently signed her up at school to play an instrument with one of her very close friends in hopes that it would keep her busy enough to keep her away from the TV, and to also get her to learn and appreciate music in a whole new light.

They class requires the student to purchase their own instrument that they are interested in learning how to pay. I had a night all to myself while she was over at a friends house for the night, so I took advantage of it to search around for any wind instruments I think she would enjoy playing. I found a neat site that offers just that in no time. I ordered it immediately due to its unbelievable price, and when I had showed up my daughter had gotten home just an hour after and she was so excited to try it out before she went to class to show it to her teacher.

She sounded like a natural, and ever since she has learned how to play a few select songs for school, she has been on it non stop. I couldn’t be any happier to finally have found something she can enjoy and use her time to learn the beauty of music she can make.

Ditching the Carbonated Beverages

My dentist has just told me that I need to quit drinking sodas or that I will start having serious problems with tooth decay. I’ve been drinking Pepsi my whole life and that is my beverage of choice in the morning to start my day – instead of coffee or tea.I am pretty bummed out right now.

I like my morning Pepsi so much that I am a complete grouch if someone drinks the last Pepsi and leaves me without one in the morning when I wake up. The last time that happened I went postal on the whole family and threw such a fit that I can pretty much guarantee that will never happen again. But, just in case, I keep a bottle of Pepsi in my nightstand drawer as a backup.

But now my dentist says that the sugary drinks that I’ve enjoyed my whole life have been eroding the enamel on my teeth. He says that I am facing root canals in every molar is I don’t start taking better care of my teeth and also change my diet. That is pretty scary – I had one root canal already and it was not fun. Plus, root canals cost a whole lot of money that I don’t want to spend on my teeth if I can help it.

So, regretfully, I am no longer ordering a carbonated beverage with my lunch or dinner. I will be drinking either tea, lemonade or just water. I can’t stand to drink milk, so that’s out. But I will not give up my morning Pepsi. I hope that dropping sodas from the rest of my days and nights will be enough sacrifice to put off dealing with root canals.

Searching for Zucchini Recipes

My neighbor just brought me a basket full of yellow squash and zucchini from his garden. That was so thoughtful of him and I’m glad his garden is doing so well that he can share his overabundance of fresh vegetables. I do not normally buy squash at the grocery store and only have one memory of my mother cooking yellow squash for our family dinners.

During the summer months when yellow squash was so plentiful, my mother would cut a small piece off each end of the squash and then slice it in half longwise. Then she would drop both halves into a pot of boiling water and let them boil until tender – very much like you prepare boiled white potatoes. Then she would drain off the water and plate the squash. While it was still teaming hot, she would put a big dab of butter on it, then sprinkle each half with salt, pepper and about a tablespoon of granulated sugar.

As far as I can remember, my mother never bought or cooked zucchini. So I need some help with finding a recipe or two for preparing this green squash that looks a lot like a cucumber but tastes nothing like cucumbers. At the moment, the only thing I have seen is a lot of references to zucchini nut bread. But I want to serve it with dinner as a side vegetable, not nut bread.

Looking Forward to Vacation

When I was growing up, summer vacation was a very big deal. Families looked forward to school letting out for summer break and planned trips that would take them out of town for a full week or two. Part of the reason is that it would get so hot and humid that we all needed to escape the heat. But part of it was also that family time together seemed more important back in the day than it seems now.

My employer gives us a week’s paid vacation after we have worked for a full year. I wish they were a little more generous about giving us paid time off, but they don’t. However, they do expect us to use the vacation time and they do not make us feel guilty or threatened for actually being gone for a week. I know some places really discourage taking time off. some places say that if you can be gone from your post for a full week that maybe they don’t really need you there at all.

This year I plan on going to the beach and getting as far away from home as I can drive on one tank of gas. I would really like to go to Chincoteague Island and be in an area that is more concerned about wildlife and natural habitat than they care about boardwalks and mini golf. I want a nice escape from noise and crowds, and last time I went to Chincoteague it took me about 6 hours to get there. Anything farther away than 6 hours is probably smarter to fly than to try and drive.

That Darned Check Engine Light

I’ve noticed that my check engine light has been on for the past few weeks and I guess I really need to get it checked out in case it is something serious. God I hope not. It drives me crazy when that light comes on, I don’t always have time to take my Ford R-150 to an auto shop to see what is going on. Although most shops are not as busy as they would like to be, due to the economy, so the waiting time isn’t as bad as it used to be, but I still hate taking the time out of my busy schedule to tend to things such as this. It is never a quick fix and even with an appointment you still can end up waiting for way too long.

I’ve a friend who just started working at a nice local auto repair shop that tells me that busy has really slowed down and they are looking for business big time and is urging me to bring the truck to them this Saturday.  Since my friend is working there I feel confident that I will not be ripped off and will be taken seriously about the light issue and my financial situation at this point.

Virtual Yard Sales

The last time I held a yard sale I swore that I would never, ever do that again and by golly I meant it. There is so much time and work involved in pulling off a good prosperous yard sale, garage sale, lawn sale, moving sale, or what ever you want to call the reselling of your unwanted personal items to the general public.

Just collecting the stuff, cleaning and fixing what needs to be done in order to get $ for it and then having to figure out what price to charge and put a price tag on each and every piece of merchandise is enough to through me over the edge. You have to be careful on what type of price tag to use and where to put it in order to not damage the item and reduce the value just because the placement of the right type of price tag wasn’t thought out. I know I am a bit OCD when it comes to things like that but we all have our quirks right?

Dealing with the public is another issue. The early birds that come to get the best deal are a real pain in the neck. All you want to do is get your stuff out there and set up and you have these people digging around and asking you questions! And then there is the clean up and figuring out where to put all the stuff you didn’t sell, ugh.

It’s no wonder more people are turning to the Internet for deals at various virtual yard sales and other websites other than eBay and Craigslist.