Popular Birthday Months

With some of the tax money that I have finally gotten back from the IRS I will be able to purchase a few birthday gifts that are needed for the busy birthday month of May. May and September are popular months for so many of my friends and family for some reason. With the month of March coming in third place. I didn’t have much cash (and I’m not using my credit cards for presents) in March, so it will feel good to be able to have a few bucks to make sure that the folks that celebrate their birthday in May will be happy with me this year.

My brother has been talking about position indicators, so I thought I would look around online and see what is out there. My mother is hinting at needing new drinking glasses. I have all ready found the perfect ones that I am going to order this weekend. My niece is a whole different issue. I still can’t figure out the perfect gift for her. Tweens are so difficult to buy for. Besides she is spoiled rotten and is given any and every thing that she needs and wants. One of lives many challenges when it comes to buying appropriate gifts that will be appreciated.

Atlanta Georgia 55 Community

For so many years our senior citizens have flocked to Florida for a variety of reasons, the warm weather being the biggest draw. But with all things good there are some bad things. With this warm weather comes, bugs and other critters that enjoy the heat and humidity down in the Land of Sunshine. As well as the hurricanes that seem to love causing havoc all over that part of the country.

Then our seniors started heading to Arizona and New Mexico. That was a huge success, but so far away for so many folks. Then all of a sudden the Carolinas, both north and south became the popular destinations, but I fear they are filling up and now we are seeing an increase of folks heading to the beautiful state of Georgia. My folks are looking at a particular Atlanta 55 Community, which sounds promising for all concerned. I don’t really know a lot about the state of Georgia, but will start digging further online to find out more so I am more familiar with the area.

It will be so weird for my parents to be living so far south from here, but we all knew that it would happen in due time.

Today’s Gift Baskets, A Great Gift Idea!

I’ve come up with a perfect gift giving idea to present my manager with at work on Friday. She is turning fifty and we have been planning a surprise party for her for the past several weeks, it should be a blast. Surprise parties are the best, especially when they really turn out to be a real surprise, which I think we have been able to pull off so far.

My manager and her husband are the proud parents of a new baby girl, so they don’t get to go out as often as they are used to being able to do, so I found a great selection of movie gift baskets on the Internet that I think will really float her boat and that they will both enjoy together.

She had the baby shortly before Mother’s Day, so we all started looking online at some nice Mothers day gift baskets to take over to her (being the new mom and all) and her new family, which was a big hit and earned us all brownie points, it was a success and  worked out real well. She is a great lady and we want to keep her happy, which will keep us all happy in the long run.

Web Hosting Info Right at Your Finger Tips

It can be, but doesn’t have to be, a challenge trying to find the best web hosting options for your needs when the time comes to make that all important decision when first starting out. There is help out there for those who take the time to do a bit of their homework and the Internet is there for us and can come to the rescue once again. One great site that I had recommended to me and I would like to pass along to you is Webhostingrating.com, where you can find great web hosting rating information, right at your finger tips.

There are many things to consider before making your decision and Webhostingrating.com has great tips, articles and tutorials to assist you that are laid out for you nice and easy. Their one article on How to Gauge a Cheap Hosting Service is a great way to start researching this issue. It helped me understand the evaluation process that is necessary. They recommend that you get a good first impression, then know the guarantee and the up time, put an emphasis on after sales support and then they put your mind at ease by letting you know that there are a number of respectable companies offering web hosting that you can count on to give you a reliable service. A great informational and  web hosting rating site for all to use to their advantage, so go for it.

Plastic Surgery

It is amazing what cosmetic surgeons can do with a body these days. One day I would really like to get a nose jog. Nothing major, just a little minor adjustment so that I wouldn’t be so self conscience about it for the rest of my life. My whole family has nose issues, so I got mine honestly, but it doesn’t mean that I have to like it.

I’ve been looking at some Before and After Photos online lately, trying to get my courageup and getting some ideas and price ranges. The Internet makes something like this a much simpler task and it has an educational as well as entertaining experience thus far.