My Brother the “Golden Child”

My oldest brother has to be the hardest person to buy gifts for on the entire planet. I always have a hard time finding gifts for the male species, but my brother is just the worst. He has been the “golden child” as far back as I can remember, he could do no wrong at home or school and now is happily married with children, has a good job and lives on a working farm that takes up most of his time. He has basically every thing that he ever wanted and needs in life, sigh……

He will be celebrating his 35th birthday come this February, a huge party is in the planning, but I still have to find and buy him a gift for the occasion. I have a few months but am getting anxious about the whole ordeal. The only thing that I can think of that I know he would appreciate is something to do with his John Deere tractor that he spends so much time on in the evenings and weekends.

I believe that his would appreciate some new HID equipment lights for his beloved tractor. By the time he gets home, eats dinner, and then spends some time with kids it can be pretty late by the time he gets to his tractor so it would make sense to have a good quality lighting system in place to help him see where he is going and all. So I’ve spent a little bit of time on the Internet checking out the various HID products, so far MagnaLight has the best, I’ll have to ask my Dad for a second opinion, so I’ll make sure to send him the links for his guidance and approval.

So Many Knobs

Do you have any idea what knurled knobs are?  I didn’t but found out that the thing I needed that my kids lost that goes on the back of my office chair to keep the back at the height I like it, is called a knurled knob.  I have to admit that’s a strange name but when you don’t have one, who cares what it’s called as long as you can replace the missing one.

Roseanne Needs A Big Bang

There must be some type of Roseanne marathon going on this past week or so. As much as I love the Roseanne show that was so popular in the 90’s I have become tired of the reruns over and over. I have to admit that once in a blue moon I will see one that I don’t remember, but not often enough to be glued to the TV in anticipation of one of those showing up. It’s too bad that this show had to come to an end. It really was an awesome show, with an awesome cast, many of them we get to see showing up on the new hit TV show The Big Bang Theory which has become one of my favorite shows these past couple of years.

Look who are dating again after all these years and on a completely different show!

Way Too Practical For Bling These Days

The last couple of chicks that I know that have gotten themselves engaged and are now sporting a nice sized diamond ring for all the world to see how much their fiance has spent on them in order to show/prove their love for them. I have never had much interest in having a big rock on my finger, guess I’m just way too practical for that type of adornment. I’d rather have my rent paid, my car running and groceries in the house and maybe a couple of bucks in my savings account for emergency situations.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m a typical woman that likes a bit of Bling to adorn my body with, but these days I just think that there are more important things to spend that much money on.

The C.D. Turns 30 Today

Today it will be 30 years to the day that the C.D. (compact disc) came out and was put on the market. 30 years ago, isn’t that a trip? And from what I understand it was Billy Joel that can claim to be the first artist to come out on the C.D. in Japan with his 52nd Street album. The first C.D. player came out the very same day. An interesting piece of trivia that I wanted to share.