Due to so many people urging me to, I have gone ahead and started an account on Facebook. It is a whole new world to me and it will take me a bit to get it all figured out but so far so good. It’s only been a few weeks and all ready I have a ton of “friends” and several people that I’ve known from years ago have contacted me through it’s search features, you gotta love it.
Just last night I found that a friend from elementary school had found her way to my account. She provided me with her phone number and we talked for over an hour on the phone last night. Thank goodness for my unlimited long distance that I currently have on my land line. She is living in Denver Colorado, married with children and living the life, which is so good to hear. Both she and her husband are secure in their jobs, are in good health and live in a nice house in a nice neighborhood.
Her biggest news was that she and her husband were both experiencing weight issues so they decided to go over to the U.K. where she received the tummy tuck surgery that has become so popular these days and her husband had liposuction done on him. They incorporated a vacation away from the kids and had the surgery done at the same time. She sent me the before and after pictures of them and I have to say that I’m impressed. It’s good to know that the economy hasn’t played havoc on everyone that I know.