Say What?

I hear that this a.m. the Muslim Brotherhood has warned the U.S. that if the meddling that is now going on over in Egypt and Lybia continues, that they will cut off America ‘s supply of  Motel 6 and 7-11’s managers.

If this action does not yield sufficient results,our Cab Drivers will be next,then  followed by Dell, AT&T and AOL customer service representatives.

If all else fails, they have threatened not to send us any more Presidents either. It sounds like it is going to get ugly, folks.

Those Wacky Scrubs Wearing Medical Professionals On [scrubs]

I remember the first time that I watched the popular TV show [scrubs], I wasn’t impressed. Their type of wacky humor just didn’t float my boat, in fact it was a major turn off, so much so that I didn’t give the show a second chance for over a year. But as time went by and I would once in a while be hard pressed for something to watch and ended up watching a few episodes now and then, here and there and now I’m pretty much a hard core fan. Watching these corn ball medical professionals running around in all their scrub uniforms, playing havoc with one another in such wacky off the wall situations, not only in their work environment at the hospital, but off the clock as well, just cracks me up.

I’m wondering if that show helped inspired the medical field to wear uniforms that aren’t just the normal green scrubs that we all have seen them wear in the past. Now a days they have such a wide selection of medical uniforms that they can wear for a much better variety for them to choose from, which I think is great. I don’t think I could wear the same thing day after day, year after year. After all variety is the spice of life. I love it when I see someone in Pediatrics and they are sporting a cute Disney or Winnie The Pooh scrub on and I’m sure that the kids like it better as well. Anything that helps make it easier for the kids (and the staff) is worth it, right?


Content by Mac Kline

Ever since I was a little girl, fashion has been a huge part of my life. I would go shopping with my mom, and we would pick out the trendiest outfits together. We really bonded as mother and daughter on our shopping sprees.

Now that I am older, I still find ways to keep up with the latest fashion trends. Every week, I flip on my Dish tv and watch “What Not to Wear.” The show’s hosts, Clinton Kelly and Stacy London, make a perfect duo. They are both catty and witty when they critique the outfits of their guests. Stacy picks out the most amazing outfits, and Clinton is a genius at mixing and matching separates. At the end of each show, the finished makeover is always unbelievable. I have never seen a guest not like the end result.

I started watching the show about five years ago, when my fashionable mother introduced it to me. I have been a faithful viewer on a weekly basis ever since. One day, I plan on nominating my boss for the show. She needs a lot of fashion advice, as her wardrobe is very drab and matronly. It would be a dream to actually meet Stacy and Clinton in real life one day. Perhaps my fashion dream will come true.