We’ve Got Snow

Well we really have been lucky so far this year. It has been cold, but no snow. That is until yesterday. One minute it was starting to come down and in just a few hours we had over 5 inches and it was still coming down. The worst part is that right as I was starting to put diner together the power went out so a quick peanut butter and marshmallow fluff sandwich with a bottle of water, that I keep in the garage, was eaten by candle light and off to bed I went.

The house was starting to get chilly so I piled on the blankets and grabbed a flash light and my book and read for a few hours until my arms got tired of holding the flashlight and the book. It took a while but I finally dozed off,  I have to have the TV on when I go to sleep and of course with no power, no TV. At 3:30 the light came on in my room, so I turned the TV on and finally went to sleep for a few hours.

Man I hate snow!

We Lucked Out Once Again With No Snow!

This is the third major storm watch that we managed to escape. We did get a good amount of ice on the roads though and it took me about 10 minutes this morning to defrost my car’s windows which I wasn’t even prepared to do first thing in the morning. But at least we don’t have snow!!!!

I Like Free!

I like free stuff. I really enjoy going to Costco from time to time and spending an hour or two gazing at all of the goodies that they have there priced so cheaply, but in bulk, as well as taking advantage of all of the free samples that are to be found at the end of each aisle. It’s a good way to find out if you truly like a product before spending you hard earned money on it. The Food Court at the local usually has at least one resturant handing out free samples to lure you into there establishment. A great marketing strategy to be sure.

Some times I stumble onto good sites that I find on the Internet that offer free samples, freebies and free stuff and when I do I like to pass along the information here. So I’m encouraging folks to check out my latest find where you can find all types of freebies. Right now you can even find free cell phones, now how cool is that. Go to Freecatcher.com and see if you would be interested in some of their offers, I’ll bet you’ll find all types of cool deals to take advantage of. You just can’t beat FREE!

What They Call A Perfect Comeback

Took my dad to the mall the other day to buy some new shoes.

I noticed he was watching someone walking next to him

The teenager had spiked hair in all different colors – green, red, orange & blue – and my dad kept staring at her.

The teen would look over and find my dad staring, every time.

When she’d finally had enough, she sarcastically asked:

“What’s the matter old man, never done anything wild in your life?”

Knowing my Dad as I do, I quickly swallowed my food so I wouldn’t choke on his response – I knew he’d have a good one!

In classic style, he responded without batting an eyelid:

“Got drunk once and had sex with a peacock. I was just wondering if you were my daughter.”

Eye Wear from Zenni Optical

Wow, I’m impressed with the idea and the feature that Zenni Optical has come out with. They now have a way for us to see what we will look like with the glasses that they have for sale with their virtual try on frames program. All you do is upload a picture of yourself and start choosing what frames you want to see on yourself. Now how cool is that?

The price of eyeglasses varies from place to place with some places charging an arm and a leg for their products. Zenni Optical is known for their affordable prices on their wide variety of eye wear and they just reduced more of their glasses from $8 a pair to $6.95 so that is promising in a time where the prices of just about everything are sky rocketing right before our eyes.

My eyesight is very important to me, bad eyes run in the family and I’ve had to wear eye glasses since the 4th grade. I’d love to have the laser eye surgery at some point, but I have to wait for the prices to come down some before I try that. The prices are dropping so one day I hope to have all most perfect eyesight once again and won’t have to worry about eye glasses ever again. That will be a nice change. In the mean time I’ll stick with Zenni Optical and their products. Now I just need to take a picture of myself and get the party started!

Pit Bulls & The Weather on TV

I’m so glad that “Pit Bulls and Parolees” is back once again on The Animal Planet Channel. I wish that I had known about the show two years ago when it first came on, but I did see all of last years. There are a lot of re runs on that I’ve managed to see and I’ve been waiting for tonight’s episode to come on, so I’m off to Reality Show Land for the evening and keeping an eye on the weather channel as well. We are expecting a huge snow storm, but we will see how it turns out tomorrow.

No Smoking

I haven’t had a cigarette since January 1st, 10:30pm. This isn’t easy but I’m surprising myself by not being a total pain in the rear to everyone around me while I’m struggling with this addiction issue. I’m chewing a lot of gum and drinking a lot of water which is a good thing in it’s self, right.

I’m hoping that this time I’ll actually put these cancer sticks down for good. I’ve tried before, I actually quite for 3 years on time. So there is no reason that I can’t do it again, or so that is what I keep telling myself!