Thoughts To Ponder Today

The year is 1947

 Some of you will recall that on July 8, 1947, a little over 60 years ago, witnesses claim that an unidentified flying object (UFO) with five aliens aboard crashed onto a sheep and mule ranch just outside Roswell, New Mexico . This is a well known incident that many say has long been covered up by the U.S. Air Force and other federal agencies and organizations.

 However, what you may NOT know is that in the month of April 1948, nine months after that historic day, the following people were born:


> Albert A. Gore, Jr..

> Hillary Rodham

> John F. Kerry

> William J. Clinton

> Howard Dean

> Nancy Pelosi

> Dianne Feinstein

> Charles E. Schumer

> Barbara Boxer


See what happens when aliens breed with sheep and mules? I certainly hope this bit of information clears up a lot of things for you. It did for me. No wonder they support the bill to help illegal aliens!

Tool Time For Christmas

Well I’m all ready and good to go for Christmas. Got all of my last minute shopping done. I’m so glad that I did most of my holiday shopping online this year. We got some crazy weather last weekend that would have had me up in arms if I hadn’t been a smart shopper this year.

Most of my gifts this year were to men, how odd is that? I picked up some great Tools and Hardware for my father for his Workshop and Home Improvement plans that he has in mind for this up and coming year. My step father wanted one of the new Circular Saws that have just come out recently, which I found online way back in the spring. He loves his Power Drills and Hand Tools!

My brothers also wanted Workshop Accessories, so I bought them both new Miter Saws that I hope that they will be happy with. My mother was the only female in the whole deal and was the hardest to figure out. Luckily we were at the mall together a few months back and she showed me a nice pair of boots that I managed to go back and pick up for her, so with that said and done and Merry Christmas to you and yours. I hope it is a good and safe one for all.

Fun In The Sun Come Summer

I would really enjoy being able to take a week off, or even just a long 3 or 4 day weekend and hit the beach this summer. I’ve been wanting to find a good deal at one of the nicer Oceanfront Myrtle Beach Hotels that I’ve heard so much about. I figure if my tax refund is decent and I can get a few friends together then I just might be able to swing it. I love the beach and everything that goes along with it. The sun, the water, the board-walk, the food, and the night life, it’s all good and it’s been too long since I’ve been able to enjoy something of that nature.

The Internet will certainly help me find the right Oceanfront Myrtle Beach Hotel, one that is priced for what I can afford and be easily accessible to the beach. I’ve heard good things about the SeaSide, which is located in the North part of Myrtle Beach, so I’m going to start my search there. It shouldn’t be too hard to find a good quality Myrtle Beach Hotel if I start early enough. So I guess after Christmas is all over and done with I’ll have some time to start looking around to see what types of deals I can come up with!

The Big Event after Christmas is Done and Over With

Once the Christmas and New Year’s holiday is over and done with we gals at work can get back to the planning of Carol’s big wedding that we are all involved in. We haven’t had such a big event in a few years and we are all enjoying acting as one big wedding planner for her, a joint effort that has us busy as bees, at least until we had all this snow and Christmas being in just a few short days.

I’ve never been to a Catholic wedding, so a lot of this is over my head but several of the other gals have either been to one or had one when they were married, so there was no need to hire a Catholic Wedding Planner. There is so much involved with planning a big event such as this. They have over 300 people to send invitations out to and they expect the majority of them to attend.

We have until May to get everything done and ready. We all have Internet access at work, that has made a big difference in the planning. We have been exchanging ideas and information from several wonderful wedding planning sites. Our favorite has been and The Knot wedding information site at is great and keeps us coming back for more and more, it’s all good!

Pole Dancing

I’ve always wanted to take pole dance lessons. One of my friends was looking around online to find out if there were any places that we could take these type of classes at and she found this hilarious video that I just had to share here.  I’m sure you’ll get a kick out of it just as I have!


Amazing Weather

I just got off the phone with my sister, who only lives one state south of me. I’m here freezing my buns off and she is sitting on her front porch enjoying a nice weather evening. I really need to move south from here. I hate the cold weather.

Old Friends

I ran into an old friend the other day when I was at the mall doing a bit of Christmas shopping. I haven’t seen her in such a long time, we had a lot to catch up on with each other. We decided to stop and grab a bite to eat at the food court. The place was a mad house and we were lucky to find an empty table to sit at. Funny how we both really enjoy Chinese food and so Panda Express got our money for the day.

She has worked hard to become an insurance agent and is doing very well considering how the economy is in such a mess. Turns out that she is happily married with two kids and another on the way, due in June. She leads a busy life, to be sure.

Before parting ways, we exchanged phone numbers and emails so that we can keep in touch. She gave me a few of her business cards in case I could come up with any insurance leads to send her way. I’d be happy to do what I can for her, I mean what are friends for anyway? I love running into people that I haven’t seen in a long time.