Pass It Along, It’s All Good!

I honestly thought I knew pretty much all there is about the different web hosting companies that are out there for us to choose from. But I recently stumbled onto a site,, that has a great amount of information concerning the many dedicated server web hosting” sites and I found that they have put together a list of 7 different  “Green Web Hosting Providers” that are eco-friendly and doing what they can to save our mother earth, now how cool is that?

These 7 listed providers use renewable and alternative energy, as well as recycling waste, the planting of trees, and they also purchase RECs in order to power their data centers, which I think are all great ways to make a difference in our soon to be maxed out world.

 Ireally have to respect these companies and I would encourage anyone to check this site out to find more information on them. The company that comes in as Number One in the list of 7 is SuperGreen, they have it listed as the most Eco-Friendly Host, with the provider coming in as Number Seven being GoodAvocado, with the boasting of being a wind powered hosting.

Pass it along, it’s all good!