Sometimes when I have trouble falling asleep I put the TV in our bedroom on the channel that has the late night Craig Ferguson show. He is so funny and adorable at the same time. I love his Scottish accent and the way he pokes fun at himself, and he has a cast of hilarious characters – played by himself, of course.I’m surprised at how many big name stars agree to come on his show. He always has guests that are fun and lively and talkative. I get a feeling that they are relaxed and more like themselves as real people when they are on his show. Craig brings out the best in everyone
5 Somali pirates drown with ransom share
The latest on the tremendous amount of pirating that is taking place in the Gulf of Aden, is that 5 of the pirates drowned along with their share of the 3 million dollar ransom money that was paid. Piracy is one of the few ways to make money in Somalia, and this particular bundle of cash was delivered to the deck via a parachute.
This is an ongoing situation and one that we modern day pirates are keeping close eyes on, days have certainly changed on the high seas.
San Diego Chargers Kicked Some Butt
Last night’s game between the Colts and the Chargers was an exciting game right on up until the end, which resulted in having to go into overtime where the Chargers kicked some butt. The Chargers played a great ball game all evening and certainly deserved to win this game and I hope that they go all the way this year!
The Super Bowl will be a fun event, I look forward to entertaining a few friends at the house while watching it in a few weeks!