Driving me mad

Their was an article in the news about how women who live in Saudi Arabia are being punished for driving to the store. In this day and age, it seems very unreasonable that women would get in trouble for so simple a task. I know our culture is different from theirs, but it just isn’t right.

Women should be allowed to drive no matter what country they live in. they should have all the rights a man has as a matter of fact. If women cannot be equal partners in this world, then some people should reconsider their religion.


Our brothers to the south are in trying times. The country of Mexico has been trying to deal with the drug cartels that plague their country. The drug cartels are the cause of corruption and violence that has spread throughout the country. They have now reached a new low.

The cartels are now being blamed for recruiting young girls to carry out their hits. Authorities have found that at least six young girls were trained to carry out hits for the cartel. I hope that Americans will realize the harm that our drug use is doing to Mexico and stop the drug trade in their tracks.

Blame the Armadillos

Read an interesting report on the Yahoo Science page this morning. Scientists have traced the DNA of many recent leprosy cases and have proven that the disease was transmitted from armadillos. A relatively rare condition in today’s world, leprosy is very contagious and difficult to treat.

Armadillos are very common throughout Texas, Louisiana and Arkansas, but have been seen in neighboring states, such as Oklahoma, Mississippi and even Tennessee. Officials are warning people to not handle armadillos, even if dead, to avoid the risk of contracting leprosy.

NATO Taking Control of Libya Situation

Although our President did deploy military troops and weaponry to help with the situation in Libya, I hear a lot of people complaining about his action. They say he needed permission from Congress. They say he should not have gotten involved because our own Country was not actually threatened by the civil unrest in Libya. They say a lot of things, but NATO said that the free world has a responsibility to intervene, and that’s what we’ve done.

It was not the United States deciding to bomb Libya. It was a NATO decision. Thankfully, it was announced today that NATO is taking over control of that situation. It sounds like we’ve done our job along other free world countries and this time it has worked the way it was supposed to.

End of an era

The space shuttle program will soon be coming to an end. The shuttles have been going into space for nearly 30 years and have been a valuable part of our space program. The shuttle Discovery is making its final voyage this week as it will dock with the International Space Station today.

Discoveries mission is to deliver supplies as well as a robot that will fly in space. I will be sorry when the shuttles are done with as they have been a huge part of our lives.

Rare earth mining

One little known fact is that the country of China exports nearly 97% of the world’s rare earth minerals. The minerals are used in the making of many important products such as windmills, lasers, and a variety of military weapons. The problem is that our country is at their mercy if they decided to cut production or raise their prices.

The good news is that we have these minerals here at home. The bad thing is that many of them are on public land. Some mining companies want to start mining these minerals so that we can have our own supply. I think it’s a good idea to start mining and reduce our reliance on China.

Union Woes

Ever since the last election that swept in a number of republicans, there have been changes in the wind. Many republican leaders have been going after public service unions in order to balance their budgets. They are asking for cuts or even trying to banish the unions altogether. This has led to massive demonstrations in some states such as Wisconsin.

The plans to cut benefits and wages of workers are still going forward, but there is growing resistance to the plans. The unions are banning together and spending a lot of cash to advertise their predicament. The battle is certain rage on for many years as the budgets are getting out of control.

Guns and the Swiss

It seems that the country of Switzerland has a very high suicide rate. The problem is that many Swiss people carry guns on a regular basis. The army allows people to bring their weapons home even after they are done with their military service. This has been a point of contention for some.

A measure that would have placed restrictions on guns failed to pass. It would have required that the guns be kept in armories instead of at home. Meanwhile, suicide rates continue to remain high. It seems that the Swiss love their guns and want to keep them.

Egypt if finally free

The country of Egypt has been through a lot lately. Demonstrations in the streets have finally paid off. The Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has decided to resign and a new government will be formed. The resignation comes after weeks of protest in the streets of Cairo.

The only problem now is who will take over the power vacuum. The Egyptians have been semi-friendly with the Israelis and there is some doubt as to whether this will continue. For now, the Egyptian people are happy that change will come to their homeland.

Good or Bad

Law and order is a very important part of our lives. The ability for Americans to walk down the street in relative safety is what makes our country so great. I respect our court system and believe that it works for the most part. There are also those who work the streets taking care of our citizens every day. The problem is that there are occasions when those we trust the most turn on us. I recently heard of one example of this behavior.

It’s hard to know the truth when you are not actually involved, but there are times when you must question the authorities. I know there are many cases of police harassment out there. Some people believe that the city of Orlando police are guilty of that. The story is that they tried to ruin a young mans life by harassing him after a traffic stop.

Despite the hard work of many law enforcement officials, police harassment happens a lot more than one may think. I know that no-one would actually condone it, but police harassment can happen even in the best of police departments. It only takes a few bad eggs to make it happen. I think we should all keep this in mind on a daily basis.