Aging Heart Issues

A co-worker of mine is dealing with an elderly mother-in-law that is having some major heart issues, and of course while working in such small quarters that we are forced into sharing with numerous other people (cubicles) we all get to know each other very well and share all kinds of information with each other 9-5, Monday through Friday.

This has made it possible to learn so very much medical information, it seems that everyone is married, has children and dealing with aging parents or in-laws, and so on. On an average day at least 3 or 4 conversations are held in my cubicle alone about some type of doctors appointment that is coming up or have just been attended, and all of the information is shared about them all which the details of will be dissected and digested by everyone. I’m not complaining mind you – it has given me valuable information that has proven to be useful and interesting.

I Hate Homework

It seems our son needs help tonight with his Spanish homework, ugh . . .  I took Spanish for a few years and can muddle my way through the basics, but my goodness I feel pretty useless when is comes to homework about it.

Another subject that gives me the willies is MATH, is it a four letter word as far as I’m concerned, anything past 3rd grade math and I get feverish and feel faint.  Isn’t that a sad state of affairs……….

While helping him maybe I can come up with and idea for dinner!

Old Videos

Thinking about my daughter and her previous beauty pageants made me think of the videos that we have somewhere in the house of her in those pageants. I am going to have dig around and see if I can find them. We have a whole box of home movies that are on VHS, I would love to have converted into DVDs. I’m going to have to look into that and see how much work that would entail, let’s face it, there is work involved in anything these days!

How is your colon treating you lately?

I’ve been reading a lot lately about how important the colon cleanse process is and how it eliminates the toxins which have built up in your digestive system. Doctors are really pushing the treatment and how they consider it to be a key to your personal wellness.

colon health
Digestive System

Holiday Getaways

This is the first year that we didn’t manage to get a way for a week or at least a long weekend before school started. Between all the non-stop drama that seems to be never ending around here and the lack of any extra money in the budget we have pretty much stuck here in town and at the house.

But there is hope that we might be able to squeeze out enough money and time to do a winter getaway. There is always a first time for everything they say. I have been check out some of the groupon getaways that I was told about and I feel myself getting excited about actually being away for either Thanksgiving or Christmas. At first I found myself getting all sentimental about not being with all our other friends and family members during these crazy and hectic holidays, but after giving it more thought I really think that it would be a good thing to try for once.

It is always such a pain trying to prepare for the usual holiday festivities that take so much time, energy, money and emotion. Trying to please everyone, even knowing darn well that is impossible, but I seem to keep on trying year after year after year. And to be honest I really get tired of eating so much turkey, mashed potatoes with gravy at each and every family members house that we are compelled to visit each Thanksgiving and then a month later do it all over again for Christmas.

I’ll get you posted on what I come up with and when.

New Sewing Experience

I had expressed an interest in sewing to my husband and had told him I wanted to get a sewing machine so I could learn some techniques in creating some beautiful home piece’s such as pillows, blankets, throws, curtains or even clothes I became a pro at it. So my wonderful hubby had brought home a sewing machine from Walmart and man I was so excited to get the actual opportunity to sew. I got straight into the car and went fabric shopping so I could come home and experiment with them, and I had found that it wasn’t as easy as I had thought it would be and being the perfectionist I seem to be I wanted all my work to be precise.

I went to an Arts & Crafts store nearby to purchase a book called “Sewing for Dummies.” Of course the first piece I tried to work on was the easiest, a simple bed pillow and it came out surprisingly nice. I kept on with sewing the simplest things until I felt I was ready for something a little more challenging. I had found a page where it teaches you how to make something called a quillow, it seemed to be trickier then anything I did before, but I gave it a shot. It took me quit a few times to put one together decently. I do believe I have found my new hobby that I enjoy so very much, and I’m hoping that if I become good enough with it, then I could start selling them for extra cash or even give them away for birthdays and Christmas’s to other family members. I am so excited to learn so many more new things and get to gain knowledge on this sewing machine.

Japanese Animation

My youngest has gotten into many things that I have absolutely no knowledge or background about. She has been reading and watching numerous Japanese animation books, TV shows, and movies. She has taken the time to show me one of the sites that she goes online for,  she showed me a page concerning Bleach Manga, who is character she has been following lately and I found quite interesting to read.

At least she is reading, it is a real challenge trying to get her to read just about everything. I don’t get it, hubby and I are both avid readers, while neither of our children want to pick up a book, except for the Japanese Animation books that are becoming more popular these days.

I went to the bookstore a few months back to see if they had any of these types of books that she is learning to enjoy, I was surprised at how many that they had. The young lady that was assisting me with locating them and then explaining them for me, told me that I was lucky that she was working the floor at that time because she was the only one in the whole store that read and knew anything about them. She was very friendly and helpful, I was certainly glad that she was working then also because I was way out of my field.

%&#@$$$ car repair…..

I missed the phone call this morning from my car repair guy, but did find the message in my Voice Mail later in the afternoon and so I called as soon as I got the message. The guy I needed to talk to had left for the day, but I spoke with another gentleman who informed me that we are looking at the $1200 area for what it will take to get the oil leakage problem taken care of.

Not good news.

Called my brother, he is going to call the garage tomorrow and speak with my customer service rep and find out exactly what is going on that warrants the amount of work and expense that is being deemed necessary by them. Since I just had them do an oil change a little over a week ago, and now a seal is blown and oil is spewing out as fast as you can put it in, it just doesn’t sound quite kosher and I need for him to interject with his knowledge of my car, he knows my car well, bless his heart.

In the meantime I’m trying to figure out how to come up with the funds to take care of this very surprising and untimely expense and aggravation in my life right now.

My love affair with chocolate

As I’ve written before about my newly found love, once again, for chocolate, I have decided that I am going to start looking around for new treats for me to try out, and what better way to search, than the Internet of course.

I have been looking around and bookmarking several websites that look appealing and that I will consider making a purchase at. Can’t say I was surprised in how responses I got when I Googled, “chocolate,” but it did take just a bit of time to get to some organized and placed into a folder for further research.

The one that I have decided that I am going to order from first is from a company called Gertrude Hawk they are a company out of Pennsylvania, actually I’m surprised that I have not heard of them before.

Easy As Pie Fundraising

I have been asked by the PTA at the middle school that my son will attend next year if I would be on the committee that handles the fundraisers for the school year. I was happy to say yes to their request because I had already found a website that looks good and had it bookmarked in case I found myself needing this kind of information. I’m so happy that something that I bookmarked I actually made us of it.

I have never liked the kind of fundraising that requires a kid to go door to door in their neighborhood, or the kind that makes the parents pester their relatives and take the paperwork to their work place and guilt trip your co-workers in spending a few bucks.

This company, School Pop’s web-site offers easy middle school fundraisers that only require the participant to sign up on-line with certain retail companies so that every time a purchase is made there, a portion is dedicated towards the schools account. One of the stores is Wal-Mart and almost everybody shops at Wal-Mart at some point in time. It is that easy. I’ll be ready for my recommendation when we have our first meeting before the school year begins again in the fall.