Holiday Getaways

This is the first year that we didn’t manage to get a way for a week or at least a long weekend before school started. Between all the non-stop drama that seems to be never ending around here and the lack of any extra money in the budget we have pretty much stuck here in town and at the house.

But there is hope that we might be able to squeeze out enough money and time to do a winter getaway. There is always a first time for everything they say. I have been check out some of the groupon getaways that I was told about and I feel myself getting excited about actually being away for either Thanksgiving or Christmas. At first I found myself getting all sentimental about not being with all our other friends and family members during these crazy and hectic holidays, but after giving it more thought I really think that it would be a good thing to try for once.

It is always such a pain trying to prepare for the usual holiday festivities that take so much time, energy, money and emotion. Trying to please everyone, even knowing darn well that is impossible, but I seem to keep on trying year after year after year. And to be honest I really get tired of eating so much turkey, mashed potatoes with gravy at each and every family members house that we are compelled to visit each Thanksgiving and then a month later do it all over again for Christmas.

I’ll get you posted on what I come up with and when.