Our oldest daughter still doesn’t have her own car, so I end up allowing her to use my vehicle to do her running around in. Most of it is to run errands, she doesn’t use it to joy ride around in, for the most part. She is a good driver, when ever we go somewhere together in my car I have her to the driving, and I tell you that she is a good driver and I am with her a lot.
The one thing that she needs help with is knowing and taking the shortest way there, and that drives me crazy because I go the way that is the shortest and quickest because I am always in such high demand and in a hurry trying to get everything done for everyone, I mean, I’m a working mom on a mission.
A friend of hers called last night (he just got back from serving in the military, somewhere in Japan) and he really needed a ride home from an ASAP meeting so I allowed her to borrow the car so that she could do that.
This morning I wake up to hear Hubby asking me if I knew that my car had the spare doughnut tire on it, ugh – what a way to start the morning!
It appears that after dropping her friend off she was on her way home and there was a large rock in the road and she run over it. So called the friend and he and his Dad came and put the doughnut on it for her and then she came home. It was late and she didn’t wake us up to tell us about the flat tire.
Well she is now out running around getting a new tire and having it in put on my car so here I sit with no vehicle to do my errands in. Oh well, there is always tomorrow. But first I have to make it through this day. We have Parent/Teacher conference this evening at the youngests school and then I go directly to work and get off at 9:15 tonight. Wish me luck!