I Was So Lonely

My youngest daughter has been watching me blog and has been asking me questions about it, so I thought that I would allow her to post on my blog when she feels the urge to, so the following post is from her:

“Last week during lunch at school I had to eat lunch by myself. Well, I wasn’t completely alone at the lunch table. There were two girls there, but I didn’t know them that well. And they never really talked to me.  But none of my friends sat with me for the whole week! One of my friends sat at a special table for the week. My other friend sat with her boyfriend on Monday and Friday, like she always does, and the rest of the week she went to sit with her “mother” and “sister”. They weren’t really her mother and sister, they were actually just some of her other friends. So I was all alone for the whole week at lunch. Sort of. I felt kind of……abandoned?

I hope this week everything is back to normal. Because if it isn’t, I’m going to make my friends fell very guilty. Wouldn’t you?”