Ballerina Dreams

I remember being a little girl and being in the parent waiting area with my mom while my sister took ballet lessons. We could watch through a big, one-way mirror to see what the class was doing. I loved to watch my sister’s teacher dance to show the students how they needed to do the different moves. She was so graceful and so disciplined. I wish I could have taken ballet lessons.

I have this weird thing about my joints. It is especially noticeable in my elbows. Everything bends out way more than other people’s joints. Because of this, which I was born with and can’t do anything about it, the dance teacher told my mom that I could never be a ballerina. The way my elbows let my arms over-extend is not attractive or graceful. In ballet, the arms are almost as important as the feet.

It was humiliating to be told I was too ugly to dance. That hurt my feelings and self esteem for a very long time. But my sister doesn’t have this same problem with her joints, and she took ballet lessons for many years. She was very good at it. I wonder if she ever thinks about that and has has happy memories about dancing?

Nothing to Eat or Drink Past Midnight

Tomorrow morning is a big day for one of my dogs. Surgery at the veterinarians office for a fractured tooth. Oh My gosh – when the vet showed me her tooth I almost passed out. It fractured and has gotten abscessed and she must be in miserable pain. I’m so glad I took her to get checked so they can fix it now.

The weird thing about surgery is that she cannot have anything to eat or drink after midnight tonight. Since they have to knock her out for the surgery, if she eats anything there is the risk of her vomiting and then choking. That would be devastating to me to have something like that happen. I love her so much. She will be able to go a day with no food and I’m sure the vet will give her an IV so she doesn’t get dehydrated.

My poor girl – tomorrow is a big one but when it’s all over she will feel so much better!

Playing Solitaire for Stress Relief

Do you remember when computers first came out and all the Windows-based computers had preloaded games n them, like Canfield and Minesweep?

I used to play the Canfield game for about 5 minutes every afternoon when I needed a mental health break. My boss would go ballistic if she came into my office and saw me playing solitaire. She would scream about cheating the company by wasting time playing games.

I would put up with her rants for a while, but honestly she wasted 10 times more time than I ever did. That bitch would take smoke breaks every hour or two, write poems to her boyfriend, and make long personal calls – all on company time.

I think that people are entitled to a short break during the day, whether you are stupid enough to stand outside in the cold and puff on a cigarette or choose to stay at your desk – still available to take phone calls and answer questions – and play a 5 minute solitaire game on the computer to help clear your mind and take away some of the stress from your day.

Charity Walk

They are having a walk-a-thon downtown this weekend and I am torn about participating. The charity that will benefit is all about helping the victims of sexual abuse. I would like to support an organization that helps primarily women and children. Walking in a walk-a-thon is something that I do three or four times a year. But the organizers are calling this a “Slut Walk.” Well, that offends me deeply. I don’t want a teeshirt that says I walked in a “Slut Walk.” I can’t understand why they picked such an offensive name. I want to help, but not with a name like that.

I Love My Vet

When I acted on a whim and got my dog, I had no idea how much time and money I was going to have to spend on taking care of her. She is a great dog, but I really have to work at caring for her, with grooming, flea and tick prevention, annual check ups and now allergies.

Evidently she is allergic to grass. It does not make her sneeze like humans do with grass allergies. It irritates her feet like acid when she walk on it. After we go for a walk in the yard and come back in the house, she immediately starts licking her feet. Sometimes she even chews on her feet to the point that they are bleeding.

I took her to the vet so he could check her and he helped me figure out that it is allergies. So I have had to start giving her foot baths at night and when they get very sore I put a special creme on them and cover them in bandages so she can’t lick off the creme before it has a chance to work. The vet says if they get too bad that I can bring her in for a shot, but that costs $60 and she would have to get the shot at least once a month.

I never heard of dogs having an allergy to grass until she started having the sore feet. Who knew?

Open Letter to My Friend

To respect your privacy, I’m not naming you. But I want you to know this:

Sorry to read this and that you are having a hard time right now and that you don’t think you have any friends. I do want to say that to have a good friend you have to BE a good friend.

A good friend is not someone that you lie to, steal from and only talk to when you want something. It’s a two way street. And there is a huge difference between being a friend who has your best interest at heart and being an ENABLER, even if you don’t realize it at the time.

Until you get serious help and beat your drug problem, you will never know who your real friends are – they are all just people for you to exploit.

I hope you take this to heart and get help from professionals – not the “help” from your sucker list that you just want to exploit.

Some of your friends want to help you in the true sense and see you happy and productive, and yet all you do is break their heart.

When you are ready to accept real help from a real friend, call me and I will come get you. We will figure something out together. You do have real friends and I want you to know that.

Dogs and Humans

The vet was telling me t dogs are a lot like humans in the diseases they can get and the treatments they can do. Did you know that the number 1 killer of dogs is cancer? I did not know that. I would have guessed car accidents or euthanasia from the dog pound.

Dogs can get diabetes and bleeding disorders and other things just like humans. I try to make sure none of my dogs develop weight issues. I keep them on a good diet and they get a lot of exercise, so I hope to have healthy dogs for a long time to come.

Allergies or the Flu?

Woke up feeling really bad this morning. I am sweating really bad and I can’t breathe without coughing a dry, hacking cough. I might have to stay home today – I fell awful and if it is not allergies, then I don’t want to share germs with the people at work. I just want some Nyquil and a warm soft blanket and pillow, so I can go back to sleep.

Spring Cleaning

The warmer weather has got me itching to do some heavy duty house cleaning. I just love spring cleaning – I change out the bed linens, and the take down the curtains in the bedroom and living room, put out different pillows, and buy new placemats for the table. These little touches, plus a deep cleaning in each room makes my home looks and feel so nice and fresh!


Something bad is in the air. When I stepped outside this morning I immediately felt bad. Seriously bad. Like I could not breathe. I started gagging and coughing and could not get my breath. I don’t know what is in the air this morning that wasn’t there yesterday, but whatever it is, I can’t deal with it.