My son has learned so very much

It’s very hard to let your child fall.  A parents first reaction is to reach out and catch them but there are times when you have to let them fall.  Once they have fallen, a parents first reaction is to reach down and pick them up but sometimes the best thing is to let them get back up on their own.  I have a hard time trying to let my children learn a hard lesson that they have put themselves into but one thing I have also learned from these lessons my son has to learn, and that is that I have to let him learn them or he never will.  I have to let him learn the hard way and I can keep running to get him out of what ever mess he has gotten himself into anymore.

He has spent over 2 months in jail and will be getting out on the 23rd he told me today.  When he gets out, it’s on his own totally.  I did not pay for his bail, I did not pay for a lawyer, I did not pay to get his truck out so he walks out with the clothes on his back and whatever the wife of someone who is also in jail with him was able to get out of his truck.  That hurts me so much but he has to learn or he will end up in prison for a long, long time.  I can’t stand the thought of that and neither can he so hopefully, with the help of God, he has learned.

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