Out to eat

I took my lovely wife out to eat last night and then for a couple of drinks and dancing. The restaurant was really good. We had Indian food which is very spicy, at a new place on the South side of town. Not having ever eaten Indian food before I only had a slight knowledge of what to expect and was pleasantly surprised. I knew that it would be spicy, but they gauge the spice factor for those not accustomed to it and that I didn’t know. I would have tried it years ago if I had but known that.

After dinner we went to a little place downtown that plays blues and jazz music for a romantic evening. We really enjoyed it and had a good time just talking like we used to before we married. That was the best part for me. I think sometimes people get so caught up in life that they forget to talk to their partner. Then when they have problems, they think that they have changed or drifted apart, when all they did was stop talking to each other. Not about everyday things, but the other stuff, like dreams and such. I hope that never happens to my wife and I.

New mower

Well the old mower finally died. I guess I am going to have to buy a new one, because I am tired of trying to fix the old one. Since I like to garden, I am going to splurge a little. There is a small John Deere tractor that has the mowing deck as well as other attachments for tilling, post hole digging attachment and such. I have enough property to warrant buying one, because I will get plenty of use out of it.

We have long wanted to put up a fence around the property and this way I can do it myself, without hiring a company to come out and do it for me. I will have all of the necessary tools at my disposal. Of course, once I do that my wife will probably start buying livestock, but I don’t mind. She has these little miniature horses that she just fell in love with and wants to buy so badly. They are kind of cute, but I told her that if she wants pets like that, she has to buy others for food as well. Some goats would be nice to have. Goat milk is really good for you and you can make lots of stuff with it. I guess this year is going to be interesting to say the least.

Eco housing

I have been reading up on Eco housing and green energies. I have found that there are thousands of people building houses out of all manner of things. Some are using hay bales, some are using old tires and most are making use of old glass and glass bottles in some form or another. It’s not just here in the US either, it is happening in many western countries too, like the UK and Spain. The move towards green energy has also extended to building houses and I think that is amazing. People will come up with the darnedest things to not only save money but to save this planet.

This house is in Barcelona, Spain. Posted by Eco Village and shared on Facebook to let people see just what people can build with a little ingenuity and effort. It is a totally green house. I think it is beautiful and very artistically done. Who says an Eco house has to be ugly? No one. I have found that they look much better and are very unique, each with it’s own personality. So if you want to build a house that will last and build is cheap and green, you should definitely check out Eco housing.

Eye doctors

Well, I guess it is time to go back to the eye doctors. I only have one pair of contacts left and they wont refill the prescription unless I have another eye check. It’s not like I didn’t know this, but I was hoping I could get out of it. It seems silly to me as my prescription has not changed in years. However, the doctor says that just because it hasn’t changed before, doesn’t mean it wont change now. I suppose I am just stubborn. If I don’t have to spend the extra money, I would much rather not. I can think of a million things to spend that money on without it going into the eye doctors pocket.

I should be thankful that it is not a dentist appointment. That I would probably leave town to avoid. Like most people I hate going to the dentist, so I am not going to complain about the eye doctor anymore. He isn’t so bad. I wonder if I should get some colored contacts, just for fun. They have some pretty wicked colors out now a days. They even have ones for Halloween and such. I think that would definitely be neat, but I am not sure the wife would like it.