Monday Again

Some weeks the Monday seems like a really long way from Friday. I can’t wait to get all of this behind me and not have it hanging over my head. I need Friday to hurry up and get here.

Not sure if this pressure is from the way daylight saving time has made the sun last longer and made me more anxious to get out of work and be at home or someplace outside. I like the idea of daylight saving time and with we have this much sun all year ’round.

This year has been very rainy and making the old saying, “April Showers Bring May Flowers” a real promise to us. As much rain as we have had this Spring, I am pretty sure this area won’t have any trouble later with drought. We’ve only had a couple of summers with serious drought that I can remember.

Usually the problem here is too much rain – and when the dirt is so saturated and muddy, farmers cannot plant their crops and our lawns turn into mud bogs.  I was hoping to get outside this weekend and plant grass seed in a few bare spots and rake up the last of winter’s leaves and burr balls. But it is too wet to do anything like yet. I might have to take off a half day from work next week if we get a sunny day – just so I can get a start on my yard work!


Okay, YouTube is one of the best things invented on the internet. I have seen so many crazy video’s as well as instructional ones and the music too. Now they have movies and such for free. That is just awesome. I watched a video on how to fix my truck if the water pump goes out. It had step by step instructions, by some guy who was fixing his. After watching that I decided to see what else there was for fixing my truck and found so much that I could practically build one from the bottom up. That is totally cool. The information highway as they call it, is a perfect description.

For now though, I believe I will stick to funny videos and music, but it is nice to know that I can find instructions on stuff as well. Maybe I should make some video’s about gardening. I saw some on there for growing stuff already, why can’t I do it too. I think the wife would really love that. It is a project we can work on together and she can show off to all of her friends. All women love to show off stuff to their friends after all.