Allergy season is upon us

The past few couple of weeks I have been hearing a lot of sneezing going on, here at home, at the mall, at the grocery store and of course at the hospital, where we spent so much time at last week.  Every single person was complaining that their allergies were kicking in, tis the season.

My youngest has had allergies for several years and gets an allergy shot once a month and takes a small little pill once a day and it seems to be working rather well.  I took her off of the pill for a few months during the winter, but I think we need to start her back up again so that she doesn’t start up like everyone else around is.

Yesterday was a beautiful day, it made it to the 70’s and today is supposed be the just as nice.  I hope we are done with the snow and freezing temperatures once and for all.  I am itching to get outside and start working on the yard and the gardens, and boy do they need work – it was a hard winter on our yard this year – lots of strong winds made it worse.

All Is Well With Big Sis In Tennessee!

Just heard from my sister in Tennessee, all is well with everyone down there after the tornadoes and all.  She had a few scary stories to tell, but they are all O.K.  Hubby is in the other room watching a movie The Day after Tomorrow which is about global warming and severe weather problems – what timing for that movie to be on, ha ha!

Here in Richmond it has been warmer than usual and rainy but it is supposed to stop in time for the weekend. Oh well nothing good lasts forever.

Lil Penquin