Reading Should Help Me Relax

For the most part I have enjoyed reading, but since getting married and starting a family there doesn’t leave much time to sit down and read a good book other than the monthly Reader’s Digest that mainly stays in our bathroom.  A short story here and there, a laugh or two, and keeping up with the newest controversies from all over is about all the recreational reading that I get now a days.

I keep hearing from other busy Moms about the Book Clubs that they belong to and how much they enjoy reading books, it is one way that they can relax and help ease the stresses of their busy scheduled days.

Since the kids are getting a bit older and can entertain themselves a bit more easily (I guess so with TVs, DVDs, CD’s, PC’s, Playstations, Nintendo’s, X-Boxes, cell phones, etc.) I have decided that I will start taking some time and start reading some of the many books that we have sitting on our dusty bookshelves.  Of course this reading will take place after my blogging has been finished because I truley enjoy this as well.

So, off to the bookcases I go, I hope the dust bunnies won’t get too upset with me for invading their “Personal Space”.

Daughter wants to Blog

The next blogs will be written by my daughter.

She is 12 years old and I think she will enjoy the experience and I wish her luck.  I’ll be checking in on her now and then!