Pet Blogs

If I didn’t have to work full-time as well as having to take care of the house and the family I would consider starting a pet blog. I have seen many pet blogs that are so cool and interesting to read. Considering all the critters that we have here at the house there would be a lot of things to write about it. We have always had pets around here. I can’t image life without our best friends to share it with us.

we are animal lovers here
All Of Our Critters

Memory Foam Pet Beds

It is never easy to see your pet(s) aging. There are so many health issues that come along with owning any type of pet throughout their whole life span, but when they get so old that you can see how they are suffering, it is a real bummer. Our 9 year old Pug is starting to show signs of aging and the pain that goes along with that. I have done all that I can for him, even purchased memory foam pet beds to make it more comfortable for him during his waking hours.

There are a bunch of great deals online for pet beds and I would encourage anyone who owns a pet that is in pain, for what ever reason to go ahead and purchase a memory foam pet bed for them as well.

memory foam pet beds
Solid Memory Foam Pet Bed – Suede Cover

Our Dog Is So Retarded

We have a Shitzu female that is over 5 years old now and is about the stupidist dog that we have had the pleasure of owning. We have tried every single trick in the book in an effort for her to stop doing her business inside of the house. She has ruined all of the carpet that was wall-to-wall when we moved in. We have always have cats and dogs for as long as I can remember, at the moment we have 5 cats so having a kitty litter box is nothing new around this house.

The past couple of weeks I have noticed that the dog has not left behind any puddles in the middle of the night for someone to step into, as she has always done, night after night after night. I think that I had heard an unusual amount of noise coming from the corner in the kitchen which is where the litter box is and so during my investigation I found the dog there and the litter was clearly newly wettened and there was some kitty poop in there also. My first reaction was to scold her, thinking that she was playing in there and even the possibility of her eating the poop as dogs have been known to do. I did manage to stop myself in time as I thought that there was a possibility that she use doing her business in there.

Well last night I heard more noise in the corner again and I did find the dog right smack in the middle of the litter box taking a leak, so I praised the little devil and gave her a treat. Now it looks like I need to buy another box and find a place for it so that there will be enough to go around for all of the users.