My Crock Pot Is My Best Friend

I don’t know what I would do with out my slow cooking Crock Pot, now that I know so many ways to use it, I find myself pulling it out from under the counter more and more as time goes by. Today is a perfect day to put it to use, they way it spills the aroma all through out the house in wonderful and keeps everyone from wondering too far from the house come dinner time, puts a smile on my face.

Today I am cooking four nice pork chops (boneless & lean) along with 2 cans of candid yams and a couple sliced apples with a sprinkle of cinnamon and a bit of brown sugar. I’m browning the pork chops right now in the oven before putting them in the crock pot, I like that texture much better and I’m always concerned that I’m going to serve some one an under cooked piece of chicken or pork, so I tend to over cook them both, but the family still enjoys them all, along with me.

I hate laundry

One of things that I really wanted in a house, when we were house hunting nine years ago and found the house that we are now in, I didn’t get and it makes my life so hard that it drives me crazy.  I mean I got the fireplace, the two car garage, red brick, basement, decent yard, and all of that good stuff, but I didn’t get a laundry shoot.  The house that I grew up in had one and I never appreciated it for what it was really worth.

The washer and dryer are both down in the basement and that really sucks also.  I hate walking up and down the steps all the time with my hands always so full of dirty laundry, detergents, softners and everything else that I end up having to carry down there.  Oh yeah, and the deep freezer is down there also, I hate it, not the freezer – I love that, I just hate the awful stairs that I must use to get to it all the time.

We have an upstairs also, when we first moved in, Hubby and I claimed the bedroom and bathroom up on the 2nd level, but after two years of running up and down those blasted stairs about killed me.  The oldest daughter now has run of the upper level and I try not to have to go up, I guess I end up going up there about once a week or so and that is it.

Is Two Good Days In A Row Just Too Much To Ask For!

You would think that by now I would have learned to make sure that all the windows in all of the vehicles are rolled up at night whether or not the weather man has the word “rain” anywhere near to coming out of his mouth. I got to get a good amount of outside chores taken care of today and it about killed me by the time I finished getting things done and finished putting everything up and away.

As much as I was tired out, I was still in a good enough mood not to worry about the window situation. And knowing that the weather man didn’t say so much as a word about rain, I just got myself inside to a big, iced cold, glass of iced tea, a warm shower when I heard a huge rolling thunder headed our way and the car and truck windows were the last thing on my mind. Too bad that first thing this morning I sat down into a wet and mushy car seat. I do believe I don’t have to say anything else, am I right?

My Poor Old Couch

One of my concerns with all of the critters that have been brought into our home, is keeping the furniture, the carpet and actually the whole darned house clean. Considering that I am the only one that does any of the house cleaning around here this whole burden is mine to deal with.

My poor old couch, I have had to have it cleaned so many types and I’ve taken the sofa cushions and given them a nice spraying of Fabreze and a few hours of hanging up outside in the fresh air, when possible. I am thinking that it won’t be much longer before we need to seriously consider purchasing a new sofa for the living room. Maybe something to think about when tax time comes around next April.

thank god for febreze
Febreze To The Rescue

I Hate Homework

It seems our son needs help tonight with his Spanish homework, ugh . . .  I took Spanish for a few years and can muddle my way through the basics, but my goodness I feel pretty useless when is comes to homework about it.

Another subject that gives me the willies is MATH, is it a four letter word as far as I’m concerned, anything past 3rd grade math and I get feverish and feel faint.  Isn’t that a sad state of affairs……….

While helping him maybe I can come up with and idea for dinner!

Problems with Pictures

I have wanted to post a few pictures of my daughter that I have been speaking about her cheer leading, I had tried to a few weeks ago and couldn’t and forgot all about it. Then I decided just now to try again and I’m not being successful at all.

I guess I will have to ask Hubby to come and see what I am doing wrong. I hate asking him for computer help, he has no patience what so ever and I know that it is going to end up with him fussing and cussing (loudly at that) and we will hear a lot of banging and clanging and it usually works out that he has solved the problem. But there are times where he can’t fix it and then we have to call my brother and it can take weeks to get him to come and help us out, but beggars can’t be choosy so they say.

A Starting Harmonica?

I really didn’t know that there was even a “starting harmonica” on the market! But then I certainly know everything when it comes to today’s musical instruments. It’s just weird that coming from a very musical family that is still multiplying that I wouldn’t have at least heard about it or read about it online somewhere!

Be that as it may, I managed to find a great last minute deal with a starting harmonica so that I would have it in time to take over to my sister’s house for the “Family 4th of July Holiday Dinner”. This is the first year that my sister has hosted such a large friend and family gathering (we are expecting about 26 people) so I have been trying to help her with some of her personal 4th of July gift shopping errands. It’s been a blessing that we live so close together and are on good terms at the moment.

Good Old Fashioned Elbow Grease

Okay, I have to admit that when I was told to go to the website of I had no idea that it was about having someone come into the house and have it cleaned spic and span like. But alas that is what this site is all about. I think every working mother should be able to have someone come in and clean their house for them once in awhile. I have never really hated cleaning but I certainly don’t enjoy it unless I am very angry and feel the need to get my anger out with a good old fashioned scrubbing. Hubby always jokes with me that he needs to get me in “one of my moods” in order to get the house cleaned! One of these days he is going to joke about it and I won’t find it funny at all. The next thing he knows he will be on his needs cleaning and see how funny it really is.

angry cleaning
Scrubbing Away The Anger


The Missing Cutting Torch

Today started normal enough, at least until hubby went out to the garage to retrieve his cutting torch to lend to a neighbor, and it was no where to be found. I don’t know exactly why he would think that anyone here at the house would go out and take it or move it, but his voice is getting louder and louder, clearly showing his frustration at not being able to find this cutting torch. I wouldn’t know what to do with a cutting torch and I sure didn’t lend it to anyone, nor did I sell it to anyone.

When hubby is in a bad mood it really effects the whole family. Everyone walks around on egg shells and the air is so think that you really could cut it with a knife. All we can do is stay out of the way and pray that he finds the darned thing so that we could move on to bigger and hopefully better things to do around here. And the neighbor will just have to wait or find someone else that has one to borrow. Lord knows that we can’t afford to run out and buy a new one. Christmas bout did our wallets in this year!

House Cleaning Services

Something that would make a good gift for anyone who is left responsible for the cleaning and the upkeep in their residence, would be to have a professional house cleaning service come in to have a good cleaning. It could be a once time luxury or for any length of time that the gift giver decides upon and how much money they want to invest.

I mean let’s face it, at some point in your life there are gift giving occasions that something like this would be appropriate and appreciated. Although I have a feeling that if I were to do something like this that the person would think that I thought that she wasn’t a good house keeper!

I myself wouldn’t have a problem with the other woman house cleaning services. In fact I would welcome it. It sure is better than getting more body lotions and oils that seem to find their way to me a lot. I have more lotions and potions that I would or could ever use in one lifetime. Those gifts end up being re-gifted to some other sucker, more often than not!