Another Day Of No School

School has been closed a lot lately what between all the snow days and now today is President’s day, the kids have been stuck at home a whole lot lately and I am praying that tomorrow they will go back to school and life can become normal again.  Hubby is back on his feet and I’m feeling much better (after being able to catch up on some sleep) and I’m somewhat ready for the week a head.


I usually do love it when school is closed – when it is closed here and there, but day after day after day and especially being since the Christmas holidays just ended a month or so a go.  My kids are great and I treasure any time that I have with them, just wish money wasn’t so tight and the weather so crazy, and schedules so screwy, so that we could take them more places.  My teenager can be a challenge to get to participate in anything family oriented and I usually regret even trying to include her, but we do manage once and a while to keep everyone somewhat satisfied.  There is so much out there to explore and I want my kids to see all that they can see with us to explore it with them.

One day maybe I’ll go sign up for some college courses that I am interested in, I think I would enjoy learning now that I will have to pay for the education out of my own pocket.  Too bad that youth is wasted on the young!

Background Playsets Chesapeake Va

When the kids were real little we wanted to buy them a playset for them to see and enjoy on Christmas morning. We figured we could just trot on down to Toys-R-Us or possibly Walmart pick one up and bring her home and keep stored in the garage until Christmas eve, which is when hubby planned on putting the darned thing together. I always feel so bad for the Dad’s on Christmas since they are the ones that usually spend so much time putting things together before, during and after all the excitement is over with with the gift giving and receiving that is so exciting for kids.

Weren’t we surprised when we could find a single playset in town. We were told that these playsets are considered summer merchandise and that they wouldn’t be getting any of those products until March or April. We really had no idea that this would become an issue. We ended up finding a used playset – can’t remember how we found out about it. These were the days when we certainly had computers but not anywhere like we do now or else we could have searched online and found the perfect playsets chesapeake va or even have one customized for that matter.

Backyard Playset

It all worked out though and hubby was up real late that Christmas Eve putting that playset together in the middle of the night all by himself and it was one of those real cold Christmas Eves, but he never complained and the kids were totally surprised and thrilled that Christmas morning when we had them look out the back window. It was worth every bit of time and effort put into that wonderful playset.


RV Covers

My mom and dad have a great RV that is basically a Toyota truck cab and engine and a short stack camper in the back. The camper has a queen size bed, small table and bench seat (that folds out to another bed), tiny kitchen and a full bathroom with shower. This camper is about half the size of the Airstream camper that we used to take on the road when I was a kid, so we call it “The Mini.”

My folks don’t travel as much as they used, so “The Mini” has been parked in the back yard of their summer place for several months, next to the Airstream. I decided that buying RV Covers would be a good anniversary gift for them. The covers are easy to put on and will keep them clean. Their anniversary is next month, so I will check out the covers on Camping World’s web site and see if they have the right fit for the two campers.

I was thinking about doing this for Christmas, but came up with a different idea for that holiday, leaving it an option to fall back on for the other numerous gift giving occasions that come up through out the year.


From Flip Flogs to Hiking Boots

Summer means camping and fishing to me, so my wardrobe is going to need just a little boost from some more rugged outdoor wear. I need things with pockets and ventilated shirts so I don’t get too hot while I stay covered up against mosquitoes and biting flies. My usual flip flops and sandals are certainly not going to get me very far on the trail, so I’m looking for a new pair of hiking boots. I want good construction so they are not only comfortable but they should last for several years. Not something that I want to just pick up cheaply at our local Walmart.

Also, I want waterproof boots this time. There’s not much that can ruin a hiking trip like wet feet. When I think about work boots or hiking boots, the brand that first comes to mind is always going to be Wolverine. This is a brand that I have known and trusted for over 20 years. My very first pair of work boots for an outside and very intense summer job while in high school were Wolverine Boots and I’ve been a diehard fan ever since.

I really like the tread design so that these boots will grab the rocks and gravel on a hiking trail to prevent slipping and the high tops will protect my ankles from twisting or turning on the rocks. When I’m ready to order them, I plan on using the web site, They have my size in stock and a reasonable price, with a reputation for great customer service. That’s all I need to get my new boots shipped right to my house.

Long Weekend – Sad Weekend

As much as I love three day weekends, this Labor Day weekend always makes me sad. Around here, Labor Day weekend means the last weekend of summer. All the swimming pools will be closed for the season after Monday, and all the schools will be back in session for the new school year by Tuesday, too.

I had a nice summer but it was so extra hot that I did not get outside to do as much as I would have liked. I would rather be hot in the summertime than cold in the winder time, but too hot is not fun.

A Day at the Pool

Today was the perfect day to go to the pool. Everyone slept in a little late this morning. We didn’t get back from the fireworks until nearly midnight and everyone was wired up from all of the excitement of all of the wonderful displays that our local recreation center produced this year, in celebrating the 4th of July.

Once the house started waking up and everyone had fed their face with some type of nourishment from my fully stocked kitchen. I went shopping yesterday and spent a fortune on items to take with us to the show, things like beer, wine, wine coolers, sodas, Gatorade, bottled water, chips, dips, crackers, cookies, fruits, well you get the point. So the kitchen is now over flowing with munchies that should last all week-end long, maybe.

Anyway, we decided that today was the first nice day that we have had in a while so we packed up all of our swimming pool gear and took off for a day in the sun and water fun. It was great, fun was had by all, even Hubby came along this time, which is rare these days, and now I’m totally beat and sun burned and ready for bed.

By the way, a belated Happy Independence Day to America, may God Bless us all!

All Is Well With Big Sis In Tennessee!

Just heard from my sister in Tennessee, all is well with everyone down there after the tornadoes and all.  She had a few scary stories to tell, but they are all O.K.  Hubby is in the other room watching a movie The Day after Tomorrow which is about global warming and severe weather problems – what timing for that movie to be on, ha ha!

Here in Richmond it has been warmer than usual and rainy but it is supposed to stop in time for the weekend. Oh well nothing good lasts forever.

Lil Penquin

The Tiller

Hubby is taking his time getting the tiller ready for this year’s planting season and I’m getting anxious to get the ball rolling and the garden planted. If I knew how to do all that was necessary to get the darned thing ready I’d be more than glad to take care of it, but alas I’ve been kept in the dark when it comes to most of the “lawn care” equipment around here and the more I nag the more stubborn he becomes, sigh…..

What Happened To Winter?

It seems as if we never got to experience and enjoy winter this year. This has been the craziest weather that I can remember. We only have had two snow storms and I really wouldn’t call them storms, barely a dusting really. And now all of a sudden it seems as if we have jumped right into summer with the temperatures hitting the high 70’s.

I’m not complaining really, I hate winter and everything that goes along with winter, but is this a true sign of Global Warming or what? Scary thoughts to ponder.

Winter is Back in All It’s Glory

Baby it’s cold outside!

Didn’t get much sleep last night Hubby was coughing up a storm and was tossing and turning most of the time, being the light sleeper that I have turned out to be, I didnt get much rest.  Looks like he will stay in the bed for the day, took his temp and he has a low grade fever, we need to get him healthy in time for the work week.  With freezing temperatures back a lot of pipes are going to freeze and the company he works for will have many jobs that need to be taken care of.

Speaking of the devil – I hear him calling out for more Jello, time to make up a batch of chicken soup, there is a lot to be said for the Jewish penicillin.


I hope that their are some things on the T.V. that will entertain him while I keep busy in the kitchen and dealing with the kids today.