New House Equipment

Like I was saying my washer and dryer broke, so today Hubby and I are going to go shopping for a new washer and dryer. I had checked on the Internet to look up a few places that have great sales going on, so we can save as much as possible, seeing it’s about to be my sons birthday in a few weeks. The prices on these things are outrageous, I couldn’t believe my eyes when I looked at a single washer, and saw that it’s about $600! We’ll have to see what’s out there before we start purchasing the first thing we see, wish us luck.

Credit Card deals to be found

Hubby and I are going to sit and review our present credit card situation. I want to see if we can downsize, I just paid off one credit card this month and will no longer use it, that is a good feeling.

There is a great variety of attractive and very profitable deals to be made by taking the time to research on a web-site, so I know what we will be doing in the next couple of days or so. It is not something that I look forward to doing all that much, paperwork just drives me up the wall and Hubby is not known for his patience, but if in the end we end up saving and or earning money it will be well worth the effort, wouldn’t you agree?

Chocolate for Mother’s Day!

Chocolate, I love chocolate, which is really strange, because for the last 20 years or so I had lost my taste for this wonderful treat that I can’t seem to get enough of this last year or so. I even like the sound of the word!

I was looking at some sites for Mother Day gift ideas, when I ran across this site and not only did I see some great gift ideas for all of the mothers in my life, but I found some nice ideas that I will have to share with Hubby and the girls, so that they will have an idea of what I would like to receive this year, and Mother’s Day is coming quickly this year.

This really tastey site has not only great gift giving ideas, but corporate gifts,  plus I see that they also offer fundraising opportunities that my come in handy when my input is required for the many fundraising events that my girls are always getting me in to. 

Out with the old, and in with the new

 For years I have been dying to upgrade every piece of technology I have in the house, and try to make it more comfortable to us, and more appealing to the eye. Well I have taken a lot of electronics and sold them at the flea market to get a little bit back for all of it, and I am now ready to go shopping for my 56′ Big screen TV that I have always wanted. I am so excited to think about when I see my family’s faces when I arrive home with a huge TV. 

Brother-in-law sends good news about his new job

Just received an interesting email from my brother-in-law with the subject line saying “heating and cooling PA”, it’s a darn good thing that I noticed it was from him, otherwise I would have deleted it thinking that it was spam. His email had told me that he had just landed a job with a wonderful company that he sent me the link to, for me to check out. The link is and after reviewing the site I would definitely recommend it to anyone who is around the Delaware and Pennsylvania area who is trying to find spectacular service with their Electric, heating and cooling needs.

He should do well with this job because he has been working in this field for years and its right up his alley. I hope that he will stay with this company for a good long while so that he can take advantage of the benefits that they offer because his wife is expecting their first baby in November this year and needs to have a job where there is not only great benefits but also wonderful people to work with to make his day go by quicker and feel more satisfied then his previous job.

Too many E.R. trips

Last week my eldest daughter spent a good amount of the week in the E.R. (three separate trips) and one of the times by an ambulance.  It was a very scary week and I’m glad that it is over and that she is feeling better.

While at the E.R. we had the opportunity to see the Medical Helicopter land right there in front of us, apparently the patient was having a heart attack and they needed to get him there pronto – hence the helicopter need.

It did spark my interest in the Air Ambulance business, so one night when I was surfing the net I ran across a link that took me to, an air ambulance service. It was very interesting, not a job for just anybody, that is for sure.  I have a lot of respect for the people that do this kind of work, what skills and talent they have and what a wonderful opportunity to put those skills to use in helping people in their time of need, and saving lives, too cool.

It’s nice to know that if we ever have the need air ambulance transportation is available, let’s just hope we never have that need.

Whats your favorite robot pet?

Out of all the different robots pets out there to buy, what is your favorite and why?

Personally, I like the Honda human robot called Asimo. I know you’re saying that is not a pet, but to you I say this, yes it is! I mean, it can do more then any of the dogs, cats, or miniature robots out there. I admit they probably cost more than any other robots out there, but technology gets better and cheaper every day, right?

I hope one day the Transformers will be able to do things like the current Honda robot. Having one that could be a personal servant would be awesome.