Hubby stayed home again today, he’s feeling a bit better, but still grumpy! He didn’t get much resting done though because the insurance representative finally showed up and he left in time for us to head downtown and to vote in the Potomac Primary.
We got a bit of snow last night which caused the schools to close and it has been snowing and sleeting a good portion of the day. We froze our butts off while standing outside for close to an hour with the adjuster, ended the appointment with a nice cup of hot chocolate, Hubby would have, I’m sure, preferred a beer.
Can’t wait to hear the results of the voting that went on today. The voting location that we use wasn’t crowded in the least, but then we were only in there for approximately 10 minutes. This was actually the easiest and quickest time yet that we have experienced.
Time to watch the evening news!