There are so many types of guitars out there these days, thank goodness for the Internet to help guide people on how to buy a guitar. Now that all of the Christmas hub bub is over and done with, I think I will start considering getting a guitar. Of course I am going to have to find a place that gives guitar lessons in town. I don’t think I have the patience to learn how to play one on my own.
There are a couple of places that I have in mind to check out, but first I have to find the perfect Gibson Electric Guitar, which just might be an autograph model that I found on Musician’s Friends website. It has to be a Gibson or else my grandfather would turn over in his grave. He was a hard core Paul Gibson guitar player and wouldn’t consider any other type of guitar for him or anyone else that he could influence with his obsession.
I really like the look of this Royal Crimson Gibson. I’m getting so excited but am having a hard time making a decision, as usual. It’s the Libra in me that makes it hard to decide on just about anything. And for this amount of money I really need to make a good educated choice.