Coast To Coast Event Internet

The most important decision that you’ll need to make as an event organizer is the location of your event. This will naturally affect both your attendance and the experience that your participants have. Of little less importance will be the internet connection that you’ve arranged. While it might be fairly easy to arrange for a connection, it is more difficult to get a reliable connection.

Trade Show Internet offers services from coast to coast, so for internet services from San Francisco to New York, contact them on their website.

Bandwidth is also very important, and Trade Show Internet offers both internet and bandwidth solutions. Bandwidth is ultimately the capacity of your network, and it can often be overlooked in favor of the internet delivery technology. Internet technology is often front and center while the bandwidth solutions are often in the background. Nonetheless, no network will be effective without the bandwidth capacity that it needs.

This is especially important if you are using presentation materials that are graphics intensive. My sister just returned from a big convention in Florida. Her PowerPoint presentation was a big hit, and a lot of the success was due to the great internet connection provided by the hotel.


This morning I had gone to the little gas station down the street from my house, and purchased a drink called Monster thinking it was just to boost you up a little bit for the day ahead.

Well after about 5 hours after drinking it, I had experienced jittery bursts out of no where, and I couldn’t stop thinking about everything at the quick speed it was going. I got so ahead of myself that I dropped hot coffee all over my white blouse that I had on.

Now I’m worn out and I feel like I ran 8 miles with no break, about to pass out. Be aware of these drinks – they cant be too healthy for you.

I’ve never had any problem with caffeine before, but now that I am more aware of how it can affect me, I’ll read the labels of all those energy drinks and maybe only drink half of it at a time.

How To Buy A Guitar

There are so many types of guitars out there these days, thank goodness for the Internet to help guide people on how to buy a guitar. Now that all of the Christmas hub bub is over and done with, I think I will start considering getting a guitar. Of course I am going to have to find a place that gives guitar lessons in town. I don’t think I have the patience to learn how to play one on my own.

There are a couple of places that I have in mind to check out, but first I have to find the perfect Gibson Electric Guitar, which just might be an autograph model that I found on Musician’s Friends website. It has to be a Gibson or else my grandfather would turn over in his grave. He was a hard core Paul Gibson guitar player and wouldn’t consider any other type of guitar for him or anyone else that he could influence with his obsession.

I really like the look of this Royal Crimson Gibson. I’m getting so excited but am having a hard time making a decision, as usual. It’s the Libra in me that makes it hard to decide on just about anything. And for this amount of money I really need to make a good educated choice.

Researching Web Hosts

Hubby has been increasingly interested in getting up and creating his own web-site and has been doing a bunch of asking around folks and doing a good amount of researching on the Internet about which web hosting company to go with. Word of mouth is the best advertising, as always, but the Internet is a great way to go these days.

I’ve even started checking out a few things myself so that I will be able to talk with him about this issue and hopefully it will help me sound like I know what I am talking about and we can learn together, this will be an adventure, I’m sure.

Cheer Goodies

Dance Clothes and Cheer clothes seem to go hand in hand. Our youngest daughter has been a cheerleader for several years now and we are always looking for the newest fashions that come up for cheer leading.

This is a sport that is getting very popular, just 5 years ago you couldn’t find much of anything, but since every year it gets more popular so there are more and more merchants producing products to sell for the participates that love new fashions and all of the goodies too.

She has her room all decorated in cheer leading style which really looks cool her friends really like it (she does also) and we are always looking for new stuff to help decorate it with so I found a new web-site the other day and it has some neat stuff for us to check out together, cool.

Pet Blogs

If I didn’t have to work full-time as well as having to take care of the house and the family I would consider starting a pet blog. I have seen many pet blogs that are so cool and interesting to read. Considering all the critters that we have here at the house there would be a lot of things to write about it. We have always had pets around here. I can’t image life without our best friends to share it with us.

we are animal lovers here
All Of Our Critters

Motorcycles & Spring Time

Hubby has been talking about buying a motorcycle for the past several years, the subject comes up right about this time of year, each and every year. With spring approaching in what will be in no time, the itch for going for a ride and enjoying life on the open road is so very tempting for the both of us.

I wouldn’t mind owning one one bit as long as it was a Harley Davidson and of course that is what is has in mind, not a new one mind you, but one that has low mileage and a low monthly payment would be nice. With the thought in mind that we should be getting a decent tax refund this year, we have been tossing around the idea of actually purchasing a Harley D.

Hubby has been surfing the net, looking to see what deals are out there and I have to tell you that there are some very tempting deals being offered. It seems that people are getting desperate for cash and motorcycles are being sold in an effort to pay the bills and the asking prices are very sweet indeed.

He has shown me a few of the ones that have caught his eye, there isn’t a shortage of bikes and bike parts for sale in this part of the state that we just may have to start checking out a bit more serious like in the near future.

 a dresse
A Nice Looking Used Harley Davidson

Shipping info (Mexico)

Before Mom & Dad retired and moved to Florida, they had run a successful shipping business for years and from time to time I would work for them when needed, so I had an opportunity to learn a bit about the packaging and shipping business.

While surfing the Internet I somehow got linked up to a website for the company Logistics Group International and it sparked my interest.  It specializes in heavy haul transportation, Van, flatbed, stepdeck, double drop, removable gooseneck and specialized heavy haul trucking, they offer their services in Mexico which is why it caught my attention I guess.  When I worked for the folks there seemed to be an issue at times with getting things to Mexico, what with customs and all. This Mexico freight company seems to be the answer the that old dilemma.

It is a pretty cool site, nicely set up, with a nice Power Point to download that shows you a lot of interesting things.  I’ll have to mention it to Mom & Dad next time we chat.

Willie Nelson and Marty Stuart’s Guitars

One of the people who come to mind instantly when you say anything about country music or the Grand Old Opry is Marty Stuart. He has been a performer for over 40 years – it wouldn’t take long to look up and find out, but I don’t see the need to at this point. I think you get my drift.

Trigger since 1969
Willie Nelson’s Guitar – Trigger

I remember reading that he left home at a very young age to come to Nashville and play guitar. He looks great and I love the suit he is wearing in this photo! He seems to have a variety of electric and acoustic guitars, like a epiphone pro-1 ultra that he has been seen performing with. Not like Willie Nelson who only plays his one and only acoustic guitar who he has called Trigger since he got it back in 1969, if my memory serves me correctly. Trigger seems to have an interesting story behind it. If you are into Willie Nelson at all – it is an entertaining story that can be found all over the Internet. I use Wikipedia a lot even though I have been warned time and time again about trusting what you read there. But honestly I don’t trust anything 100% of what I read or hear anyway.

Buddy May Be Moving, Again

Our long time buddy, who is currently living in Southern California, ended up recently with a DUI, which I spoke of in a previous posting, and is now considering leaving the wild and crazy California way of life.

The phone rang late the other evening, it seems our buddy still does not comprehend the time differences in the time zones, we never know when we will get a call from him, this call he was extremely excited and wanted to share his latest news with us.  After his court dates are all tended to he wants to relocate again, this time he is thinking of somewhere on the East coast for a change, and possibly someplace kinda close to us.

How exciting, this is a man who has known Hubby and I for a very long time (since before the kids came along) and has always brightened up our lives with his charm and good humor.  It has been years since we have laid eyes on him and our youngest has never had the pleasure of meeting him, yet, but it seems now that there may be a chance.

My sister and her family have just recently moved and I remember she was always telling me of a web site that she used and had found extremely helpful in making a variety of decisions during that really stressful time, so I referred our buddy to it in hopes that he will find it as useful to him as well.  I mean you gotta love a site that basically lets you key in a few basic facts and then Bam there it is, all the necessary information that you will need in order to assist you with such a large financial transaction such like this.

I really would like to see him in a house rather than an apartment, maybe a townhouse would be order, yard work isn’t something that is on the top of his list of priorities, but he is always so cramped in an apartment.

This time, this move will definitely require the services of a long distance moving company, a relocation professional, the days are gone of just packing up the car with your junk and cruising on down the highway.  This company even offers assistance in getting your car to you with Auto transport companies and car shipper companies that have state of the art carriers that ship your vehicle, safely and quickly.

I like the way this site offers numerous guides on important issues that provide you with all the necessary information to help get you through the tasks of the relocation process.