Aging Heart Issues

A co-worker of mine is dealing with an elderly mother-in-law that is having some major heart issues, and of course while working in such small quarters that we are forced into sharing with numerous other people (cubicles) we all get to know each other very well and share all kinds of information with each other 9-5, Monday through Friday.

This has made it possible to learn so very much medical information, it seems that everyone is married, has children and dealing with aging parents or in-laws, and so on. On an average day at least 3 or 4 conversations are held in my cubicle alone about some type of doctors appointment that is coming up or have just been attended, and all of the information is shared about them all which the details of will be dissected and digested by everyone. I’m not complaining mind you – it has given me valuable information that has proven to be useful and interesting.

How is your colon treating you lately?

I’ve been reading a lot lately about how important the colon cleanse process is and how it eliminates the toxins which have built up in your digestive system. Doctors are really pushing the treatment and how they consider it to be a key to your personal wellness.

colon health
Digestive System

Happy Birthday Sis

My sister is celebrating her birthday today. I wish she could spend the day doing everything fun and nice for herself to pamper her body and relax the mind. Wouldn’t that be anice way to start the next year of your life?

But she doesn’t have that luxury, what with the economic times we are all in plus the fact that her hubby was hurt in a car wreck and can’t work until he recovers. So it was off to work she goes, and her dinner plans include Chinese take out that she picks up on her way home from work. So at least she doesn’t have to cook.

Sis – I love you and hope you manage to have a happy day on your birthday!

Termite Control

A cousin of mine is living down south in Alabama with her new boyfriend and was telling me about a problem they had when she first moved down there with serious damage from termites at the house he’d inherited from some aunt. She said that they had to get some exterminating company to look it over and he said they needed formosan termite treatment. It didn’t take long or cost them an arm and a leg, which can be a concern. She says they are now termite free and very happy!

Not Just Pimples

With two teenagers in the house, we have had our share of drama when the dreaded pimples appear. It always seems to be at the critical times, like right before a school dance or an important first date with that oh so cool guy.

I admit, Acne is not a life or death situation, but to a teenager, a breakout of acne can ruin their social life and after all, that’s what the teen years are all about.

Drama, Drama, Drama

Pulling my hair out

It has been such a blah day today that I have no idea what would lift my spirits up and pull me out of this mood that I’m in. My son wanted me to take him to his friends house earlier and I couldn’t just for the fact that I didn’t want to move what so ever because of this down mood I’m in. I think I’m going to take multivitamins from now on, it usually helps out a little bit. So I do believe I’ll be heading to GNC, which is at our local mall, here shortly to pick some up. We all have our bad days but I try very hard to limit mine because my family needs me so very much.

vitamins to the rescue
Vitamins Please Help Me

How To Remove A Tick

Please forward to anyone with children… or hunters or dogs, or anyone who even steps outside in summer!!

A School Nurse has written the info below — good enough to share, And it really works!! I had a pediatrician tell me what she believes is the best way to remove a tick. This is great, because it works in those places where it’s some times difficult to get to with tweezers: between toes, in the middle of a head full of dark hair, etc.

Apply a glob of liquid soap to a cotton ball. Cover the tick with the soap-soaked cotton ball and swab it for a few seconds (15-20), the tick will come out on its own and be stuck to the cotton ball when you lift it away. This technique has worked every time I’ve used it (and that was frequently), and it’s much less traumatic for the patient and easier for me.  Unless someone is allergic to soap, I can’t see that this would be damaging in any way. I even had my doctor’s wife call me for advice because she had one stuck to her back and she couldn’t reach it with tweezers. She used this method and immediately called me back to say, ‘It worked!’

**Please pass on. Everyone needs this helpful hint.**

Stem Cell Research

I have read quite a bit as of late about how much we all have to gain through today’s stem cell research. And I just finished reading an article about how how a company by the name of C’elle has made it possible to collect these vital stem cells from a woman’s monthly menstrual fluid.

C’elle has made it possible to take control of a woman’s future, right in the privacy of her home, in a revolutionary technique that makes the harvesting from your menstrual blood, safe and easy, what a wonderful opportunity they are providing us.

Imagine knowing in advance what you are capable of passing down to future generations, just by using this invasive collection process. The cells are processed and preserved at a very low temperature, for possible cellular therapies that might be used in the future. These are self-renewing cells, that who knows, one day might be used for sports medicine.

C’elle is offering for a limited time a promotion called “Caring is Sharing”, you may purchase this kit for yourself and give a friend or a relative one for free. You can go online to and put in the promo code of 241 to take advantage of this one time only special. This is something that takes very little time to do, so it is great for us over worked and over scheduled women of today’s world.

I went on line and read some of their C’elle Client Testimonial pages and it sounds like a very exciting proposal, one that is very controversial, to say the least, but very interesting and important.


Hubby needed work boots, since he is now in Construction for this summer and I had found a website called I had clicked on the work boot link and found a wide range variety of work boots that are made with complete care and the quality boots they have are amazing. At Work Boots USA they proudly brand themselves on extremely fast shipping, low prices, and outstanding service. They are factory authorized dealers for all of the brands you see on their web site. You can most definitely tell that they take great joy in helping people get the work boots they want and need. Just take a look around and you’ll see what I’m talking about, you won’t be disappointed at all.

My Daughter And My Car!

My Daughter is recovering from 2 surgery’s she had in the past month, and struggling to go to be able to get up and go to work. I knew she wasn’t going to have any money there for a while after her last paycheck, and she didn’t want to dip into savings at all until she had turned 18. So there for a few weeks she had been penniless, so I had given her allowance’s for doing some chores around the house so she’d be able to get some things she needed to go back to work, for example; black pants and black shoes for work, shower accessories, and other little things she needs or wanted to get.

Well for the past week she has been wanting to see her boyfriend and constantly wanting to borrow my car to get him for the day so they can spend some time together. It was fine with me for a few days but it started to get the point where it was everyday, and it wasn’t until a few days ago she had stopped borrowing my car all of a sudden. She had just given me a few dollars today and said it was for the gas she burned in my car. Which I now think of her as an adult now for meeting her responsibilities in paying back the money she had owed me. I’m glad she works for what she wants, instead of her thinking she can live for free. I’m very proud of her now, she is going back to work tomorrow and now stable on her feet again, ready for her normal everyday life again.