When school first started, they asked us parents to sign up to volunteer for some things throughout the year, and I signed up to assist with the fundraising programs. I hadn’t heard anything all year, so I thought that I had been forgotten (boo hoo), until the phone rang the other evening and I ended up talking with the Volunteer Coordinator, and she talked me into coming to the meeting to see what could be done.
At the meeting, I was asked (as were a few other moms also) to check around and come up with some ideas and suggestions for their end of the year fundraiser. The proceeds will help with the end of the year graduation celebrations.
I have been involved with fundraising events before, I guess anyone with children that go to public schools and/or participates in any kind of sport activity is all too familiar with it, for that matter.
So I spent some time on the Internet, taking advantage of quickly and easily finding the information that I was seeking right there at home, on my PC, not even having to pick up the phone and deal with voice mails, or pagers, or people not returning phone calls, playing phone tag or anything else that is irritating like that.
I found during my researching that it appears that the two most popular items that are out there used for fundraising are the custom car magnets and silicone bracelets. So I found a great web-site, www.arcmktg.com that has those two items for sale, and I think I will recommend these at the upcoming meeting that is scheduled for next week.