Willie Nelson and Marty Stuart’s Guitars

One of the people who come to mind instantly when you say anything about country music or the Grand Old Opry is Marty Stuart. He has been a performer for over 40 years – it wouldn’t take long to look up and find out, but I don’t see the need to at this point. I think you get my drift.

Trigger since 1969
Willie Nelson’s Guitar – Trigger

I remember reading that he left home at a very young age to come to Nashville and play guitar. He looks great and I love the suit he is wearing in this photo! He seems to have a variety of electric and acoustic guitars, like a epiphone pro-1 ultra that he has been seen performing with. Not like Willie Nelson who only plays his one and only acoustic guitar who he has called Trigger since he got it back in 1969, if my memory serves me correctly. Trigger seems to have an interesting story behind it. If you are into Willie Nelson at all – it is an entertaining story that can be found all over the Internet. I use Wikipedia a lot even though I have been warned time and time again about trusting what you read there. But honestly I don’t trust anything 100% of what I read or hear anyway.