Easy As Pie Fundraising

I have been asked by the PTA at the middle school that my son will attend next year if I would be on the committee that handles the fundraisers for the school year. I was happy to say yes to their request because I had already found a website that looks good and had it bookmarked in case I found myself needing this kind of information. I’m so happy that something that I bookmarked I actually made us of it.

I have never liked the kind of fundraising that requires a kid to go door to door in their neighborhood, or the kind that makes the parents pester their relatives and take the paperwork to their work place and guilt trip your co-workers in spending a few bucks.

This company, School Pop’s web-site offers easy middle school fundraisers that only require the participant to sign up on-line with certain retail companies so that every time a purchase is made there, a portion is dedicated towards the schools account. One of the stores is Wal-Mart and almost everybody shops at Wal-Mart at some point in time. It is that easy. I’ll be ready for my recommendation when we have our first meeting before the school year begins again in the fall.