A good friend of mine since Junior High school days keeps in touch by email, which is great, it works out real good, no more long distance phone bills that put a damper on talking much by the telephone and we can share so many things via the Internet. She just sent me an update of her always very hectic life down in North Carolina.
She has been married four times, maybe more, I lost count. And she has four sons that have given her lots of grandchildren that she is so proud of, they are a close knit family and they all live pretty close to one another, which I think is great! Four generations of them all within about 45 minutes from each other.
Well it seems that one of her son’s wife has a teenage son from a previous relationship, that is giving them one heck of a time and they have decided that they are going to send him to a boarding school that is located in Tucson, Arizona, that is a heck of a long drive to go to school. She was telling me all about their situation, all of the things that they have tried with little or no success which is so frustrating I’m sure, and she also sent me the link to the school fenster-school.com so that I could check it out also, which I thought was funny, but I checked it out anyway.
The poor boy has some mental health issues and refuses to take his medicines regularly and the schools there in North Carolina (at least the part that she lives in) don’t think that they can help him anymore. They say that what he needs is a more caring & disciplined structured school so that he can really focus and achieve his academic success. He lacks motivation and bucks authority to the extreme. They (the N.C. schools) provided them with the resources that were needed in locating some boarding schools that they could check out. And the Internet certainly helps now a days in researching things just like this.
I wish them all luck. And I hope that she keeps me posted on their progress.