Today started normal enough, at least until hubby went out to the garage to retrieve his cutting torch to lend to a neighbor, and it was no where to be found. I don’t know exactly why he would think that anyone here at the house would go out and take it or move it, but his voice is getting louder and louder, clearly showing his frustration at not being able to find this cutting torch. I wouldn’t know what to do with a cutting torch and I sure didn’t lend it to anyone, nor did I sell it to anyone.
When hubby is in a bad mood it really effects the whole family. Everyone walks around on egg shells and the air is so think that you really could cut it with a knife. All we can do is stay out of the way and pray that he finds the darned thing so that we could move on to bigger and hopefully better things to do around here. And the neighbor will just have to wait or find someone else that has one to borrow. Lord knows that we can’t afford to run out and buy a new one. Christmas bout did our wallets in this year!