Something Cool

Something is getting popular now a days with all kinds of folks are having business cards printed up so that you can distribute them to who ever you choose to give them to. And with an offer such as “Free Business Cards” you can bet that my oldest daughter is ready to order.

She found a website called and they advertise unlimited supply of free business cards AND free shipping.  You have to register to get access to the site which takes a few minutes but so many sites require this that you can practically do it in your sleep!

It seems that they can afford to offer these free because advertisers pay them to have their ads on the back of the free business cards, what a cool idea. They are what I call “Killing 2 birds with one stone”. It is an interesting proposition that they offer: After you fill out the form, your business card will become a product that our advertisers can choose to advertise on. Once we get 3 advertisers to advertise on your business card we will email you a link that you can use to upload your artwork or design your business card online choosing from over 13,000 templates. And they want you to agree to distribute all of your cards in a years time – interesting.

I actually registered and put in an order for some cards for Hubby to use and we will see how it goes from there, after we check them out I will allow our daughter to order some, free is a good amount to pay – I’m sure you would agree.

Saturday is laundry day, ugh

I remember the days that I looked forward to sleeping in late on my Saturday mornings, those certainly were the days. Now it is all about getting up as early as I possible can handle and get started on all the chores that have been building up all week, done and out of the way. The main thing is all of the laundry, and it really sucks because I have both the washer and dryer downstairs in the basement and I have to trudge up and down those stairs all day long.

My legs and back are not as forgiving as they were years ago and I pay for it big time each and every Saturday, some say that climbing stairs in good for several health issues, such as your back, your butt, your knees and your lungs and heart, can’t say that I get anything good out of the deal what so ever. But you gotta do what you gotta do as they say, one day I’ll live in a house were the laundry center in on the main level of the house, that certainly would be great improvement in my life!

Hamburger Helper is a Life-saver

I never thought that I would turn into the type of mother and wife that serves her family Hamburger Helper more than one time a week. But honest to goodness, I have gotten so tired of cooking a big dinner every single evening that I have turned to Hamburger Helper, which by the way also makes Tuna Helper and Chicken Helper varieties, more than a few times a week.

They have such a great selection of different flavors these days! It used to be that they had maybe 8 or 10 varieties, but now they have so many and now that there is the tuna and chicken varieties that there has to be at least 25 or more to choose from and more than just a few of them are really tasty and my family does enjoy them. They really are easy and affordable, they were on sale a few weeks ago and I had some real good coupons for them so I ended up buying 10 of them at a cost of about 40 cents a piece, that is a good deal. I usually buy hamburger and chicken only on sale and stock up, so that is some cheap and good eating that everyone enjoys!

The Missing Cutting Torch

Today started normal enough, at least until hubby went out to the garage to retrieve his cutting torch to lend to a neighbor, and it was no where to be found. I don’t know exactly why he would think that anyone here at the house would go out and take it or move it, but his voice is getting louder and louder, clearly showing his frustration at not being able to find this cutting torch. I wouldn’t know what to do with a cutting torch and I sure didn’t lend it to anyone, nor did I sell it to anyone.

When hubby is in a bad mood it really effects the whole family. Everyone walks around on egg shells and the air is so think that you really could cut it with a knife. All we can do is stay out of the way and pray that he finds the darned thing so that we could move on to bigger and hopefully better things to do around here. And the neighbor will just have to wait or find someone else that has one to borrow. Lord knows that we can’t afford to run out and buy a new one. Christmas bout did our wallets in this year!