Background Playsets Chesapeake Va

When the kids were real little we wanted to buy them a playset for them to see and enjoy on Christmas morning. We figured we could just trot on down to Toys-R-Us or possibly Walmart pick one up and bring her home and keep stored in the garage until Christmas eve, which is when hubby planned on putting the darned thing together. I always feel so bad for the Dad’s on Christmas since they are the ones that usually spend so much time putting things together before, during and after all the excitement is over with with the gift giving and receiving that is so exciting for kids.

Weren’t we surprised when we could find a single playset in town. We were told that these playsets are considered summer merchandise and that they wouldn’t be getting any of those products until March or April. We really had no idea that this would become an issue. We ended up finding a used playset – can’t remember how we found out about it. These were the days when we certainly had computers but not anywhere like we do now or else we could have searched online and found the perfect playsets chesapeake va or even have one customized for that matter.

Backyard Playset

It all worked out though and hubby was up real late that Christmas Eve putting that playset together in the middle of the night all by himself and it was one of those real cold Christmas Eves, but he never complained and the kids were totally surprised and thrilled that Christmas morning when we had them look out the back window. It was worth every bit of time and effort put into that wonderful playset.