Our last trip to the dentist proved to be another cavity free visit for our youngest, plus we were informed that he only had one more baby tooth left to lose and that this last baby tooth was very loose and ready to pop out at anytime.
Well it did pop out the other night and for the very last time the tooth fairy I made my way into his cluttered bedroom and gently removed this very special tooth and then replaced it with a nice shiny gold 1$ coin. You know the 1$ gold coin that was recently issued with the President’s images on them. The first coin to have ever been released by our U.S. mint without the saying of “In God we Trust” inscribed on it. (Boy that really gets my dander up, but that’s another blog entry in the making I can see it now!)
Oh well, just another day of my baby losing precious pieces of his childhood and I am left helpless to do anything about it, but to sit back and treasure the moments. And to keep my camera handy at all times.