The Last of The Tooth Fairy

Our last trip to the dentist proved to be another cavity free visit for our youngest, plus we were informed that he only had one more baby tooth left to lose and that this last baby tooth was very loose and ready to pop out at anytime.

Well it did pop out the other night and for the very last time the tooth fairy I made my way into his cluttered bedroom and gently removed this very special tooth and then replaced it with a nice shiny gold 1$ coin.  You know the 1$ gold coin that was recently issued with the President’s images on them.  The first coin to have ever been released by our U.S. mint without the saying of “In God we Trust” inscribed on it. (Boy that really gets my dander up, but that’s another blog entry in the making I can see it now!)

Oh well, just another day of my baby losing precious pieces of his childhood and I am left helpless to do anything about it, but to sit back and treasure the moments. And to keep my camera handy at all times.

tooth fairy

All Is Well With Big Sis In Tennessee!

Just heard from my sister in Tennessee, all is well with everyone down there after the tornadoes and all.  She had a few scary stories to tell, but they are all O.K.  Hubby is in the other room watching a movie The Day after Tomorrow which is about global warming and severe weather problems – what timing for that movie to be on, ha ha!

Here in Richmond it has been warmer than usual and rainy but it is supposed to stop in time for the weekend. Oh well nothing good lasts forever.

Lil Penquin

Our teen-agers wants a new car

Our newly licensed teen-ager has her mind made up that she deserves to Buy a Car!  Not just any car but a brand new one, boy do we need to do some more education with this one and the value of a dollar.

Now it seems to me that a new driver has no need for a brand spanking new vehicle that can cost you and arm and a leg to purchase and put on the road.  She doesn’t understand that most new drivers, especially young teen ones, end up in an accident or two or three before they really know what they are doing.  So a nice used one is the way to go until she is in at least her 20’s.

I heard that when you buy a new vehicle the value decreases between $1000 to $2000 as soon as you drive it off the lot.  It seems that it isn’t that uncommon for a driver to get hit leaving the sale lot, bamm, there goes a grand or two right off the bat.  Bummer!

crazy teens

Info on Chicken Soup

Since Hubby is ill and I am going to make him some chicken soup I thought I would search the web about the benefits of Chicken Soup when sick.  Here is what it stated:

“And if you were wondering about just how effective my secret weapon is against the cold and flu season, it’s not so secret. The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), found that 87 percent of doctors agree that it is important for people to increase fluid intake when they have a cold. Two out of three of these doctors agree that eating soup is an effective way to improve hydration when experiencing cold symptoms. Chicken broth especially sparked scientific interest in 2000, when a study, published in the medical journal CHEST, indicated that chicken broth had potential anti-inflammatory effects in laboratory studies that potentially could ease the symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections.”

Pretty cool info, gotta love the World Wide Web!