Craziest thing with a house’s plumbing is that every so often, without rhyme or reason, the plumbing goes haywire. That’s what happened to me, I’m trying to wash dishes when the double sink in the kitchen just started backing up. My darling hubby decided to play plumber and try “snaking” the drain. When that failed he took apart the pipes under the sink, to no good end I might add. He then goes to the basement and starts snaking different sections of drain lines when one of them decides to blow foul water and waste material all over him! You could have heard him hollering all the way down the street. Poor hubby, He cleared the blocked pipe, but all I could do was to herd him into the shower and tell him if he can’t get the smell off he’ll have to sleep in the basement! (At least I got my sink back, and hubby knows the benefits of a hot, soapy shower too!